

The Haunted Cat

I was having lunch with a friend of mine awhile ago and she was telling me about her move to Georgia and all that was going on. It came up at some point that she wanted to get a dog after living in her apartment for a while. Of course this got my smart juices flowing and I started to think what kind of animal I might get when I am living on my own.

This is not an easy decision to make because there are many factors invovled. Most people go right for the puppy/dog. I must admit I love dogs, but really for only a couple of hours. I do not think I would be able to actually ever live with one. I need a nice neighbor who lets me play with there dog maybe once or twice a week. If you are thinking that I am cold person for not wanting to live/own a puppy/dog but I am also just way to selfish to take care of something that requires so much time. I am barely a cat person, I am more of bird person. My bird, apple, is the easiest most amazing pet ever. All I have to do is talk to it and give it food. (How simple is that)

If however there was ever a glimmer of hope that I would consider getting a cat or dog in my future, the crazy people at Animal Planet, who must not be very created or just plan bored at work, created the show "The Haunted". Now most of the time you see shows like this on A&E or maybe the History Chanel. But nope, Animal Planet makes this show about crazy animals.

Okay now that you have watched all three videos (come on, if you haven't watched these three videos, then DO IT NOW, it's not like you have anything better to do or you wouldn't be reading this blog) you can probably tell that animals are crazy. If bringing a cat into my house means dead cats will haunt me, then you can forgot the idea of me ever owning a cat. Cats and dogs may seem sweet but apparently they cause your house to become haunted. I don't know about you guys but I believe in a hauntless lifestyle so I will never be able to own one of these animals.

I am very sorry if I have mad somebody but I am not saying that cats or dogs are bad animals at all. Really it is the spirits/ghosts fault but the fact that these ghost are strangely attracted to these animals means that I will not be bringing that upon myself. You can thank the very strange animal planet peeps for putting strange thoughts into my head. Thoughts that I don't really believe or agree with but if you were to watch this show you would probably be very leery of you pet for a couple of days.

Truths of the Day:
  • Beavers can swim half a mile underwater on one gulp of air
  • The word, nerd, was first coined by Dr. Suess in the book "If I ran to the Zoo"
  • Michael Jordan has more money from Nike annually than all of the Nike factory workers in Malaysia combined

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