

Just for thoughts

Started thinking today while in class of what would make my currently hectic life ten times better .

  1. I really feel like there should be a way that professors can give out A’s without requiring any sort of effort/test/paper/research on my part. Maybe an A for being the most awesome student in the class?
  2. I need to find a way to literally put knowledge in my brain without having to study for thousands of hours
  3. Find a volunteer to put gas in my car
  4. Get a personal assistant
  5. Is there a way to be able to sleep in but still be present in class?

Just a few thoughts that have been going through my head.

Also signed up for classes for next semester and it was way easier than it has been in the past. But that could just because I didn’t procrastinate and I did it on the first day I was able to register.

Developed some pictures that I took forever ago, it takes a lot for me to remember to print pictures. I usually put them on my flash drive/SD card and forget about them.

My attempt at being creative



This week has been going by really slowly even though the days seem to be rushing by.

Last night we put on another Food Fear Factor Program. It was just as much as the first time!


Round 1 (12 contestants)
Yummy Green olives immersed in a orange cream pie yogurt with Vienna sausages and it is all topped with a decadent BBQ sauce
Round 2 (11 contestants)
Steamed Cauliflower covered in beats all laying on top a bed of warm bacon
Round 3 (10 contestants)
Blended drink consisting of Cheese Sauce, canned fruit, and fine red wine vinegar
Round 4 (9 contestants)
Scrumptious blue berry doughnut stuffed with salsa and it’s covered in a classy canned sauerkraut
Round 5 (8 contestants)
Another blended drink consisting of cream a celery soup, bologna, bananas, and yummy yummy pickles
Round 6 (7 contestants)
A baby food party
Round 7 (6 contestants)
Hot and Spicy veggie juice, bright red pimentos, and a tasty oatmeal
Round 8 (5 contestants)
Great Tasting Sandwich: butter and tofu that has been soaking in some great tasting soy sauce
Round 9 (4 contestants)
Blended drink: Rainbow Sherbet, pepperoni, and some tasty kappers to top it all off
Round 10(3 contestants)
Blended concoction: blue cheese, canned asparagus, and red pepper flakes
Round 11 (2 contestants)
Ravioli, grey pupon, honey cereal, onion bulbs, jello, and horseradish sauce

I won’t gross you out with any of the nasty pictures

Some of us awesome RA’s and the international students who came to the program. One of them even won the competition!!!


It Is Your Birthday.

via: this

Today is my bestest friend Katie’s Birthday! She is 23 and now old like me. I hate that I can’t be home to celebrate with her but I tried to give some awesome birthday party ideas to her, so I am pretty sure she will have a good time.

Katie has been my best friend since we were 6 and in kindergarten. I can tell her anything and she has no problem taking a phone call from me even if it is 3 am. She probably knows more about me than I know about myself. We have been through so much together, our first solo trip out of the state DISNEY with Vanka Vance, our first trip out of the country LONDON and PARIS, Girl Scouts, and much more.

A music video in London that we got stuck/thrown into



The One When We Make Fun of E

I am over joyed that this crazy long week is finally over.

Awkward/strange/abnormal aspects of E’s week:

  • Literally had someone in a class try to explain that sometimes weddings don't lead to marriage. (confused? I was also, I could not follow this boys argument at all)
  • Slipped on pollen
  • Tried to answer a question in class  then realized I was using the wrong book
  • Could never remember what day it was
  • Kept losing my keys over and over
  • Tried to sign up for an advising time with my advisor and of course not thinking I signed up for a time that was in a grey area, aka a non available time
  • Was early for class multiple times because I could get it straight as to what time each day class was
  • I blame this week on the fact that I left my planner in class Monday and didn’t get it back until Thursday 
Amazing/super/awesome aspects of E’s week:
  • A resident told me they appreciate all the work I do for them
  • Got the weekend off
  • finally finished the book “White Girl Problems”
  • Bought an awesome birthday gift if I do say so myself
  • Designed some awesome flyers for some programs coming up
  • Unbelievably excited for the Food Fear Factor program coming up

Overall it was a semi okay week but I am still working towards summer vaca.  


Oh Finally

Lets all be happy because this is going on!

Please excuse the sketchy white van in the picture

Blooming flowers and beautiful trees. It makes my day and helps the week go by a little bit faster knowing that nature is regaining some of its color. 


On being Adult-ish

Read this on the Thought Catalog. "50 Things Real Adults Do that I Don’t Do

“50 Things Real Adults Do That I don’t do"

  1. Make their bed
  2. Own a pet or a child
  3. Have a stress-free conversation with the mechanic
  4. Have more than one set of sheets
  5. sAvInGs aCcOuNt
  6. Wear jewelry
  7. Decorate their homes for holidays
  8. Remember birthdays
  9. Know what they are going to eat for a meal more than 5 minutes out
  10. Pack lunches
  11. Stay in hotels on vacation instead of your friend’s cool floor
  12. Watch TV news
  13. Networking
  14. Have a landline
  15. Care about their friend’s babies
  16. Drive to bars
  17. Live in the suburbs
  18. Avoid taking public transportation
  19. Get enough sleep
  20. Go to church > ~1x/year
  21. Get their cars detailed
  22. Mow a lawn
  23. Use coupons
  24. Bake things for people at work
  25. Make conversation with adult strangers
  26. Haven’t convinced their 11-year-old cousin they personally know Justin Bieber
  27. Shower before work + blow dry hair
  28. Natural look make-up
  29. Paint their nails with neutral colors
  30. Wear sandals that aren’t metallic flip-flops
  31. Matching place settings
  32. Own “place settings”
  33. Ask their dads for a favor without using a baby voice
  34. Wash clothes after each wear
  35. Use wash clothes
  36. Use shapewear
  37. Invest
  38. Refer to things as “investments”
  39. Feel ambivalent about getting something for free
  40. Subscribe to magazines they read regularly instead of buying them each month at the newsstand price
  41. Return library books
  42. Scrapbook
  43. Feel a genuine curiosity about the different types of wine
  44. Correct grammar
  45. Send faxes
  46. Keep important documents in a file cabinet/not throw them away in a feng shui attack
  47. Grow plants recreationally
  48. Vote for Republicans
  49. Watch network television shows
  50. Dream about retirement

Sad truth: I only do about 14 of the 50. What I accomplish and apparently I am not yet a real adult.

  1. Make bed
  2. Own a pet. He is a bird named apple, I have had him since 9th grade, so he is pretty old.
  3. More than one set of sheets
  4. Savings account, although it is pretty low
  5. Wear jewelry
  6. remember birthdays
  7. Know what they are going to eat for a meal more than 5 min. out
  8. Networking
  9. Church more than once a year
  10. Mow lawn, I do not enjoy this task
  11. Shower
  12. Ask dad for favors with no baby voice. I have never used a baby voice on either of my parents. That would just be strange
  13. Wash Clothes
  14. Scrapbook

Maybe you can have a much better score than I did.

Nine to 15

Last night I started to re-listen to the band Nine Days. They used to be a favorite of mine. I particularly like this song/lyrics.

Shadows they fall on the stage of your own life,
Trailing behind footsteps.
There's comfort in ghosts who are no longer with you,
Hiding behind your death.
I let you down you've lost your taste,
I'm losing ground I fall from grace.
Well just listen,
And if the love is real you gotta' let yourself go,
Just to bring it back.
Just to bring it back.
Hiding inside my asylum I'm always,
Hanging on by a thread.
I can't expect you to respect me until I've,
Learned to respect myself.
I've let you down you've lost your taste,
I'm losing ground I miss your face.
Well just listen,
Well just listen,
And if the love is real you gotta' let yourself go,
Just to bring it back.
Just to bring it back.
I've let you down you've lost your taste,
I'm losing ground I fall from grace.
Well just listen,
And if the love is real you gotta' teach yourself,
Just to bring it back.
Just to bring it back.
Oh the love you're bringing back.
Oh the love you're bringing back.
Just to bring it back.
You gotta' let go.

I used to love this band. Well I guess I still do, I just haven’t listened to them in such a long time. 


Springtime Fever

Where did Monday go?

I was convinced all day yesterday  that it was Wednesday, probably means it is going to be one long week. And this morning I swear used to be Thursday. This week is playing horrible tricks on me.

Started storming this morning just as I was leaving for class, luckily I happened to have my umbrella with me because if I didn’t I would have taken it as a sign that I wasn’t supposed to be in class today.

I am grateful for the rain though because it is washing away all of the horrible pollen, and the campus is no longer covered in a sea of yellow powder nastiness.

Guess What? It is the first day of spring. I totally forgot that it was happening today but when I checked google I was quickly reminded. Springtime is AMAZING, although for a while (aka 5 seconds)  I was little upset that we didn’t really have winter but I love the spring time soooo much. It is really the perfect time of year. You can sit outside in the beautiful sun but there is still a nice breeze so you don’t have to worry about getting too hot.

Reasons why E LOVES spring:

  • Flowers everywhere I look

  • Ice-cream is acceptable to eat again, I just feel so strange eating this tasty treat when it is winter( but that doesn’t mean that I don’t)
  • Amazing warm but not insanely hot weather
  • Baseball games. I love to go to the baseball games when I am at home, my friends and I always have so much fun at them
  • Spring time scarves!! 

via: Rebecca Minkoff
  • New nail polish colors to invest in
via: 2012 Butter LONDON

  • I can still wear jeans (one of my favorite pieces of clothing) but also wear super cute springy shirts
  • Grilling outside. My family and I pretty grill year round but there is just something about doing outside when it is soooo nice
  • Sitting on the deck at home while the citronella candles burn 
  • Hiking! I haven’t been since last year but when we went it was sooo much fun. You can check in this post:

  • Swimming
  • Spring purses 
  • Enjoying the sun until 9pm every day
  • Adorable sandals 
  • Painted toenails
  • Start of planning summer vacations and exciting plans
  • Close to the end of school
  • Suddenly feel more energetic and constant good moods all around
  • You can open your windows 

Just a few of the many reasons I am so excited for this time of year.


Weekend Love

This has been a great but fast weekend. I didn’t do too much exciting but on Saturday morning I woke up and this was on television.

One of my favorite movies

And on this morning when I woke this was on

I love both of these movies! It made my weekend that they were on the television two days in a row


Crazy Week Behind

It was one interesting/stressful/crazy week for me.

First off there is so much pollen on the ground here at school that it looks like yellow snow.

Second, I am ever grateful that I don’t have allergies because if I did I would be living in intense misery

Third, I slip when it rains, which obviously means I slip whenever I touch foot on the painted brick due to all of the yellow

Fourth, my blue car is now green because of the yellow nasty powder from nature

Fifth, had to write a major long research paper this week and I am pretty sure it won the battle

Sixth, I watched more basketball this week then I have ever watched in my life

Seventh, the Thursday curse hit UNCP again. The power was out on the entire campus from basically 11:30 am until midnight. It made all of the immature people that live in the building act crazy. You would have thought that they had never been without power. So far the school is going for a power outage every other Thursday.

Eighth, all week I thought it was next week. I kept thinking I was living in the week of the 19th-23rd. Got my hopes up that the end of the month is coming.

Obviously it was a crazy week for me and this weekend will be no break.


Tough Luck

Ever have those want to scream/cry all day/constant headache/everything gets on your nerves sort of days? Monday and Tuesday were totally that for me. It is probably my subconscious way of rebellion since spring break ended way too fast.

I just needed a good laugh/drink/stress reliever/really bad for you food/person to yell at for no reason, but instead this helped tremendously.

Such a great book. I totally recommend this to anyone. via:

Also her blog is insanely fun to read.

Babe Walker Blog


Not a huge fan

I am not a big fan of “The Big Bang Theory” but a lot of my friends find the show hilarious. I may hate the show but Sheldon is so funny and most of the things he says crack me up.

via: This

Almost Finished

What I was supposed to get done over the break:

  1. Use the week to get some needed work done on some serious projects
  2. Spend time with family
  3. Take my car to the shop because the poor thing has needed to go tot he car fixing people for a long time
  4. Attempt to get my hair cut
  5. Catch up an all of the sleep that I seemed to forget to get at school
  6. See all of my friends that I am having withdrawals from
  7. Work out every day
  8. Do some fun projects (the ones I have mentioned in previous post)

What was actually accomplished this week

  1. Tad bit of homework
  2. Hang with family
  3. Spend every single day with my amazing friends and my extremely fun babysitting kids
  4. Caught up on a little bit of sleep (maybe made up for three days of sleep that I missed at school)
If I am grading myself I get a 50% which isn’t a 0 so.... but it is still an F...

This week went by wayyyyyy to fast but I am looking forward to getting back to school and starting next week. Although I would be more into next week if it was the last week of my semester. 


Humorous People

A few days ago I was birthday present shopping with my friend, Katie, and while being distracted in Target Katie saw a book about baby names. Basically it was just thousands of categories of baby names, and I secretly took pictures of some of the categories I thought were terrifically absurd.

There were literally thousands of categories and I wasn’t able to read them all. Also it is a little strange to pick a name based on a category and it would be really disappointing if your child didn’t live up to your expectations from a stupid baby book.


Car Washing + Knowledge

Today was sooooo nice outside today. I spent the day washing my car. It took 3 hours because I vacuumed the entire car and washed every single aspect of the car. The 3 hours also happened because I had the radio playing the entire time and of course I had to pause to sing to every single song that I knew. My neighbors were probably very jealous of me. (by jealous I mean embarrassed for me)

With all of my free time (not actual free time but I don't want to be too productive in one day, I need to keep myself grounded) I found 50 things that everyone should know from HERE

50 Things Everyone Should Know

  1. The word "queue" is the only word in the English language that is still pronounced the same way when the last four letters are removed.
  2. Beetles taste like apples, wasps like pine nuts, and worms like fried bacon.
  3. Of all the words in the English language, the word 'set' has the most definitions!
  4. What is called a "French kiss" in the English speaking world is known as an "English kiss" in France.
  5. "Almost" is the longest word in the English language with all the letters in alphabetical order.
  6. "Rhythm" is the longest English word without a vowel.
  7. In 1386, a pig in France was executed by public hanging for the murder of a child
  8. A cockroach can live several weeks with its head cut off!Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete.
  9. You can't kill yourself by holding your breath
  10. There is a city called Rome on every continent.
  11. It's against the law to have a pet dog in Iceland!
  12. Your heart beats over 100,000 times a day!
  13. Horatio Nelson, one of England's most illustrious admirals was throughout his life, never able to find a cure for his sea-sickness.
  14. The skeleton of Jeremy Bentham is present at all important meetings of the University of London
  15. Right handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people
  16. Your ribs move about 5 million times a year, every time you breathe!
  17. The elephant is the only mammal that can't jump!
  18. One quarter of the bones in your body, are in your feet!
  19. Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different!
  20. The first known transfusion of blood was performed as early as 1667, when Jean-Baptiste, transfused two pints of blood from a sheep to a young man
  21. Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails!
  22. Most dust particles in your house are made from dead skin!
  23. The present population of 5 billion plus people of the world is predicted to become 15 billion by 2080.
  24. Women blink nearly twice as much as men.
  25. Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian, and had only ONE testicle.
  26. Honey is the only food that does not spoil. Honey found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs has been tasted by archaeologists and found edible.
  27. Months that begin on a Sunday will always have a "Friday the 13th."
  28. Coca-Cola would be green if colouring weren’t added to it.
  29. On average a hedgehog's heart beats 300 times a minute.
  30. More people are killed each year from bees than from snakes.
  31. The average lead pencil will draw a line 35 miles long or write approximately 50,000 English words.
  32. More people are allergic to cow's milk than any other food.
  33. Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand.
  34. The placement of a donkey's eyes in its' heads enables it to see all four feet at all times!
  35. The six official languages of the United Nations are: English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish.
  36. Earth is the only planet not named after a god.
  37. It's against the law to burp, or sneeze in a church in Nebraska, USA.
  38. You're born with 300 bones, but by the time you become an adult, you only have 206.
  39. Some worms will eat themselves if they can't find any food!
  40. Dolphins sleep with one eye open!
  41. It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open
  42. The worlds oldest piece of chewing gum is 9000 years old!
  43. The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds
  44. Queen Elizabeth I regarded herself as a paragon of cleanliness. She declared that she bathed once every three months, whether she needed it or not
  45. Slugs have 4 noses.
  46. Owls are the only birds who can see the colour blue.
  47. A man named Charles Osborne had the hiccups for 69 years!
  48. A giraffe can clean its ears with its 21-inch tongue!
  49. The average person laughs 10 times a day!
  50. An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain


Pink Sunday

Had a great Sunday. I got to hang with my amazing babysitting kids. I always learn so much when I am there like that Barbie and Ken are not married anymore because Barbie stole kens puppy. I am so behind on all of this kind info. Also I was informed by a  5 year old that I do not know how to properly play with  little pet shop animals. (these are basically the little plastic animals that have HUMONGOUS eyes that are totally creepy.) Despite having my intelligence challenged by a 5 and 9 year old I had so much fun playing with them.

We also went to see:

 I wanted soooo badly to see this movie and I was going to have to drag a friend with me to see it but luckily I was able to take my babysitting peeps. It was such a great movie.

If you are slowly becoming addicted to blogging and other blogs like I am you should check out my friend, Ashley’s blog: Pink Lemonade. She just started her blog but I am very positive that it will be amazing.


Talking to England

Today was a really nice and relaxing day. Excitement of my day was that I got to have dinner with my friends Katie, Jessica, and Mrs. Sink (the most amazing Girl Scout leader ever). It was so nice to catch up with everybody because when you don’t come home for 3 months you miss a lot. I was also reminded that Katie and I can talk about nothing for 6 hours straight.

This afternoon I had free time since I was just sitting around the house and I started to think that I need to do a better job at keeping in touch with people. Bad habit: When I am not at home I don’t keep in that good of touch with my 336 friends and when I am at home I don’t keep in very good touch with my 910 friends. So to make myself feel better I skyped my friend who is in England this semester studying abroad. We had deep discussions about things such as coffee, food, and her passion (interior design). I obviously am not as skilled as she is when it comes to interior designing but I love to look at awesomely designed rooms.

She showed me some awesome rooms that are adorable:

via: This

via: This

via: This

via: This

via: This

via: This

via: This


via: THIS

Check out all of the rooms from :  Here


Dr. Seuss

Today is Dr. Seuss' birthday. I have to admit that I just found out it was his birthday, I am pretty out of the loop when it comes to these types of things.

There are always great quotes/sayings from Dr. Seuss books 


Finally made it Home

AHHHHHHH!!! I am finally home. I haven’t been able to come home since Christmas break and it feels so good to be away from school for awhile. However while I was on my way home I was thinking of everything that I need (when I say need it should properly be translated into, want/mega want to do) to do while here in 336 and I am pretty positive there won’t be enough hours. 

Also on the ride home I had to fight huge amounts of fog that made it impossible to see anything except for maybe 5 feet in front of me. Better than driving through a thunderstorm?


Good Mood Thursdays

I haven't consumed any soda since Oct. 3rd of last year. It was pretty tough at first because I relied on it for the caffeine intake to get me through the day.

I hadn't been wanting soda for a while but then all of sudden today I was craving D. Pepper but don't worry I didn't have any. I must say that I am proud of myself for making it this long without it.

Today I was talking on the phone to a friend and she told me that I always seem to be in a good mood. This was so sweet of her to say because I don't usually think that I am in a good mood especially on the days that I get a nap instead of a full nights sleep.

E's daily routine that hopefully keeps me in a good mood:

  •  Wake up early enough to do my morning devotion. Always a good day when you start it off with a meaningful conversation with God.
  • Eat breakfasts. I attempt to eat a healthy one but living in residence hall makes it a little difficult. I usually have a cup of coffee and a special K  
  • Check my planner and make a lists of all I need/want to accomplish for the day
  • Attempt to smile at everyone I pass, and say Hi to people that I know
  • Always try to stay ahead of schedule by doing homework the day it is assigned. I hate bad time management
  • Relax in the evenings, and I try to do something that I enjoy instead of doing stressful activities
  • My last goal is to always try and go to bed on time but that literally never happens

The power was out for about 4 hours today on the entire campus and I survived and kept a good mood, so be proud.