

Red Mornings

Yesterday evening I was thinking about college and wishing that everything could be a simple as it used to be like freshman year when the greatest fear/worry was trying to figure out what and where we were going on a Friday night. It made to start to think about all of the craziness that went down that year and one thing that I remembered was that my roommate, Stephanie Combs(a fellow blogger), loved poems and poetry. She had many books about poetry but my favorite poem was called "The Red Wheelbarrow" by Williams Carlos Williams.

"Red wheelbarrow"

So much depends upon
a red wheelbarrow
glazed with rain water
beside the white chickens

Wow! I know it is a great poem and it says so much, and it is really long so I hope you were able to get through all of it.

"Morning" by Frank O'Hara

I've got to tell you
how I love you always
I think of it on grey
mornings with death

in my mouth the tea
is never hot enough
then and the cigarette
dry the maroon robe

chills me I need you
and look out the window
at the noiseless snow

At night on the dock
the buses glow like
clouds and I am lonely
thinking of flutes

I miss you always
when I go to the beach
the sand is wet with
tears that seem mine

although I never weep
and hold you in my
heart with a very real
humor you'd be proud of

the parking lot is
crowded and I stand
rattling my keys the car
is empty as a bicycle

what are you doing now
where did you eat your
lunch and were there
lots of anchovies it

is difficult to think
of you without me in
the sentence you depress
me when you are alone

Last night the stars
were numerous and today
snow is their calling
card I'll not be cordial

there is nothing that
distracts me music is
only a crossword puzzle
do you know how it is

when you are the only
passenger if there is a
place further from me
I beg you do not go

Truths of the Day:
  • The parents of Albert Einstein were worried that he was mentally slow because it took him a long time to learn how to speak
  • Bees can see ultraviolet light
  • A pound of grasshoppers is three times as nutritious as a pound of beef


Vanka: Get an Island

I love going to the beach and when I go I love to relax and enjoy the atmostphere, but this article in USA Today is making me think twice about the beach.

Check the full article : Topless Beach . This is about a study/survey that was done on Americans and 78% think that it is okay that women be topless on beaches. Now I am very aware that this probably does not apply to the beaches that I go to, and it is not saying that it is an official and acceptable thingy that will start, I just think that it is strange. Clearly I was not included in this survey because I would have said NO. But oh well.

While on the subject about beaches The National Resource Defense Council has put out a list and ratings of all the beaches in each state. I am sad to say that the beaches that I am sure most of us frequent are looking pretty sad, when compared to the other beaches. This just says to me that I need to buy a private jet so that my friend (the ones I actually like) and family can visit the top notch beaches. And an even easier solution would be Vanka and Sunana making good on their promises and start buying their islands.

Here is the link to Beach Ratings.

While I am apparently being forced to plan my trip to an Island so that I can properly and safely swim, I would love to show you , Bora Bora is where I guess I will have to settle with when it comes to taking a quick weekend beach/island vacation.


Be Jealous, because you are probably not invited on this weekend trip.

Truths of the Day:
  • Fortune cookies were invented in 1916 by George Jung, a Los Angeles noodle maker
  • The only predator that polar bears have are humans
  • Sea turtles don't age. They won't die unless they get an infection or get eaten by a larger animal. This means there could be a thousands year old turtle swimming around somewhere


Chef Needed

Since you are one of my blog stalkers you are well aware that I will be owning my on vineyard someday in the not so very close near future. Well obviously there will be a 5 star restaurant at my vineyard. It is a well known fact that I am an amazing cook but lets be real, there is no way that I will be able to run a vineyard and be the head chef at my restaurant, so this makes it very clear that I will need to hire somebody awesomely amazing.

Now don't start to think that this an easy task. There are so many talented people out there and I have a very strict list of requirements. One, be an amazing cook and have experience, two, be good looking  (obviously this narrows the search down to males). It is tough to find people that fit my strict and long list of requirements. It is true that I have many years to go before this search must begin, but I have found the perfect candidate and I must hire him immediately before someone else steals him from me.

Okay I have shown you my idea for a secret weapon that will put my vineyard on the map, I just hope I can trust you not too steal him from my employment. As you can tell this is the type of skill that is required to run any kitchen.

The search is finally over and I can now enjoy the rest of my summer. This issue has really been eating me up and it has caused many sleepless nights, but NOT ANYMORE!!

Truths of the Day:
  • In Kentucky it is illegal to sleep in a restaurant
  • In Idaho you cannot buy a chicken after dark unless you have permission from the sheriff 
  • In St. Louis, Missouri it is against the law to let rubbish collect on your roof




I am not afraid of too much except for deadly spiders, such as tiny house spiders that make cobwebs in the corners of ceilings or sometimes even the always deadly daddy long legs give me a fright sometimes. I don't spend my nights worrying about spiders but I will always refuse to kill them. Killing Innocent animals is not something that I believe in but I have no problem forcing my brother to kill a spider if I see one in my house. I am 100% maybe sure that if I kill a spider Karma will not be too happy with me and thousands of spiders might haunt m dreams. Which is why I have definitely woken my brother up in the middle of the night to kill the deadly demons.

According to fear is

1. a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid.

2. a specific instance of or propensity for such a feeling: an abnormal fear of heights.
3. concern or anxiety; solicitude: a fear for someone's safety.
4. reverential awe, especially toward God
5. that which causes a feeling of being afraid; that of which a person is afraid: Cancer is a common fear.

Now of course my irrational fear of spiders is totally normal and acceptable, but this fear led me to do something that was in no way a waste of my time. I researched stupid random diagnosed phobias that people have.

Random and strange Phobias:

Aulophobia- Fear of flute
Basophobia or Basiphobia- Inability to stand. Fear of walking or falling
Bromidrosiphobia or Bromidrophobia- Fear of body smells
Cacophobia- Fear of ugliness.
Chronomentrophobia- Fear of clocks
Didaskaleinophobia- Fear of going to school
Domatophobia- Fear of houses or being in a house.(Eicophobia, Oikophobia)
Enetophobia- Fear of pins
Epistemophobia- Fear of knowledge
Geniophobia- Fear of chins
Hippophobia- Fear of horses
Linonophobia- Fear of string
Maniaphobia- Fear of insanity.
Meteorophobia- Fear of meteors
Octophobia - Fear of the figure 8
Pedophobia- Fear of children
Plutophobia- Fear of wealth
Sciophobia Sciaphobia- Fear of shadows.
Sophophobia- Fear of learning.
Symmetrophobia- Fear of symmetry
Thaasophobia- Fear of sitting.
Tyrannophobia- Fear of tyrants.
Zelophobia- Fear of jealousy

I hope that you have been able to find the clinical fear that describes your strangeness. This is the entire phobia list, PHOBIAS.

Once again my free time has paid off.

Truths of the Day:
  •  A hippo can run faster that an adult man
  • The fastest typist can type 211 words a min.
  • If you sleep in a cold room you are more likely to have a bad dream 


    Living in Random

    The other day I was when I was being insanely productive I thought that I needed to start being more of a daredevil. This is not as easy as it sounds, I pretty much live on the edge in everything that I do but it is time to step up my game. In order to achieve this goal I thought of everything that I could change in my life, so that I can seem/become more hard core. My conclusion was that I would start not always saying please and thank-you, never saying 'bless you' if someone sneezes and not always being friendly to strangers, and not always eating my veggies.

    I know this seems a little much, and I am confident that most people would not be able to do this in their life. Only the true hard core people can act this awesome. I have been trying this for a couple of days and I feel it is now time to step up my game. 'Parkour' is a video about a bunch of people who get from point A to point B in the most extreme way possible.

    AMAZING! I will start doing this everywhere I go. It is so great that I can learn how to live my life from a YouTube video.

    If you thought that was extreme, check out how "The Office" achieves true Parkour.

    This seems a little more difficult than the first video but I will let you be the judge of that. (I apologize for the horrible quality of the video, it was the only one that showed the entire scene.)

    As you can probably tell from previous blog post, I assume that you stalk my blog, there is a lot I am planning on accomplishing this summer/lifetime. It is just so great that awesome people can put up classy videos so that I am able to conquer  fears an live out my dreams. If it weren't for people putting up necessary videos on YouTube then I would just be another outstanding, productive citizen of society working at a job and becoming successful. Thank goodness I do not have to worry about that anymore.

    Thank you Random People for allowing me to lead a non mundane life.

    Truths of the Day:
    • Rabbits have three eyelids, they are also incapable of burping and farting
    • In Texas criminals are required to give their victims 24 hours notice, either orally or in writing, and to explain the nature of the crime to be committed
    • Some birds have been known to put ants into their feathers because the ants squirt formic acid, which kills parasites


    Searching for Danger

    The other night I was leading an exciting night which consisted of watching TV more specifically Animal Planet. I know, I know, you are thinking "Whoa calm down, Elizabeth stop being so dangerous." So while watching this exciting channel I saw a preview for a show called, Finding Bigfoot. Well this obviously caught my attention because I am sure that you all know about my life long dream of meeting Big Foot.

    I have had this dream for sometime and there has never been anyone to explain or help me properly see/catch this creature. But Animal Planet has come to the rescue. This new show "Finding Bigfoot" will be my new obsession until this matter is sorted out.

    Unfortunately I have not yet been able to see a full episode of this show but luckily these two hot men have some tricks to assist me in my endeavor.


    Thank goodness I know how to properly hunt for this animal?/human?/thingy?
    I would love to get some assistance on this dangerous task. I assume it is dangerous, his name is "Bigfoot" which sound pretty intimidating.  I can only assume that these ladies :

    The previously mentioned hiking gurus. 

    Will be the ones to assist me in this project.


    Truths of the Day:
    • There was a molasses flood in Boston on January 15, 1919 that killed 21 people and injured 150 people
    • Bette Midler, Barry Manilow, and many other famous vocalists got their start in a New York City club called The Continental Baths
    • In Albany, NY, you cannot play golf in the streets


    Dreaming Afloat

    Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night because I have had a strange dream. It's not the scary ones that keep me up at night (I wish it was something normal like that) but no, it is the ones that confuse me greatly. I will start thinking about how obusred my dream was. Every now and again I have a dream that is awesomely strange but it would be so cool if it were to really happen.

    Example of a dream that would be awesome if came true. I was sitting on the wing of an airplane while it flew underwater. I only remember that part of the dream and nothing else. However if I had to guess what else I was dreaming about, it was probably something about me saving the world.

    The airplane from my dream. Do not steal my artwork, I am clearly a very talented artist

    When people wake up from a dream or any other reasons I am pretty sure I look like this:

    The beautiful me when I first wake up in the morning or in the middle of the night.

    What we all actually look like when first awake:

    Okay now that you are aware of what happens when annoying dreams wake you up, you need to know that you can really only share your dreams with people who won't judge you. Unfortunatnly I would probably make faces at you if you started telling about some dream where you were  chased by dinos and then fell up into the sky.

    Another fun life idea that I have been told is that  you should A few years ago a teacher in my psychology class brought one of her old dream journals to class and it was pretty neat to see how many she had written down. I do not do this but it is a good idea that everyone else should do. I am not hating on anybody who does this but let  me tell you that the first thing I do not want to do when I wake up in the middle of the night is turn the light on and write in a journal. When first awake I am always confused and by the time I composed myself to write it down, it would out of my mind. So instead I just rant and rave about the fact that I can never remember an entire dream when it is time to tell it to somebody. I probably actually look like a fool because I get all excited and say "OMG I had the most awesome dream last night, sit here forever while I tell you about it even though you could probably care less." When I open my mouth to explain the dream this is what comes out "Oops I totally forgot about it but I can tell you that I was sitting on the wing of an airplane underwater"

    Truths of the Day:
    • Approximately one out of every 55 women from Canada give birth in their car on the way to the hospital or clinic
    • The designated instrument for the city of Detroit is the accordion
    • The average number of people airborne over the US any given hour: 61,000


    Story of Photos

    I was reminiscing the other day while I was scrapbook. I came across a photo shoot that some friends and I did early this past semester. Stephanie, Besh, Ashley and I are insanely photogenic so it was no surprise that we are always asked to have our pictures taken. This made me start to realize that I am good a lot of things, and since being extremely good looking is one of them, I feel the need to explain how this  photo shoot went down. 

    The starting photo, we all look good.

    These crazy people do not know how to take a photoshoot

    As you can see by these first two pictures there is a wrong and right way to take the proper group picture. In order to remedy the second picture let me explain what to do. First is that you want to make sure you are always looking your best when you take a picture. Now I know you are probably saying "Elizabeth you always look your best" and I know, but you probably have your bad days.

    It was a crazy day and a lot went down, here is how it played out.

    We had to show the world what it means to be a true G

    According the the Menzel siblings this person is also a true G

    Although sometime ciaos can break out, it's bound to happen since we are all such amazing people and there is always a competition as to who is the awesomeness.

    Ashley and I were so scared because Besh and Stephanie were constantly arguring over everything. 

    Then we decided we just couldn't handle the fighting anymore, so we used our super strength to keep them apart.

    Now sometimes you might decide to go bird watching while you are inside of the photoshoot building. Obviously we did some extreme bird watching. It lasted for hours.

    Besh's had started to get big and she thought she was big stuff. This picture was a catastrophe. It would have been awesome but Besh just busted through and took over.
    However in the end we all looked classy and don't hate on us.

    Truths of the Day:
    • The human brain uses approximately as much energy as a 10 watt light bulb
    • Before prohibition, Shlitz brewery owned more land in Chicago than anyone else, except the Catholic Church
    • In 1996 Americans bought $2.6 billion worth of gum

    How To Hike like a Pro

    Yesterday Brittany, Vanka, Katie, and I went on the most hard core hiking trip ever. We are basically hiking experts now. I did not keep count but I am pretty sure we hiked close to 10 miles. The most difficult of trails were the only ones that we were willing to do.

    At this point you are probably thinking "What stupid girls why would you do the difficult trails when you could just take the beginner trails."

    I would have to respond with "Well when you are as experienced and daring as the four of us, you don't make your self look bad by doing it the easy way"

    Now that I am basically one of the most experienced hikers in the Country (I would say the world but I am to modest to admit how truly awesome I am)  I feel it is my responsibility to give helpful advice for those of you who want to one day become this amazing at natureness.

    • The car drive to your hiking destination should be fun and full of old school music. It is absolutely necessary to only play songs that existed in the 90's. And you have to take the always important car pics. 
     We are very classy ladies so it is totally realistic to assume that your car pics will never look quite this good

    •  The most important aspect of hiking is your outfit. Vanka and I are very fashionable hikers, because you never know who you will meet in the middle of no where. It is essential that you don't only wear cute shorts and a top, but wear classy earrings. There is not reasons to not look cute even if you are facing the wild.
    •  Never leave home without your handy dandy sunscreen. Sunburns = remembering the day as horrible
    • Find fun people to hike with. Now this is not the time to call up your bestest friend in the entire world. You want to bring someone with you that can save your life. If a massive bear is chasing you (most likely will happen) you want to have a buddy who can save your life. Preferably this person will through themselves in front of the bear so that you can run away to safety. 

    The type of bear you should at all times assume could come charging out of the woods and attack you

    • Hydration is an aspect that you MAY not forget. Bring a lot of water bottles. Especially when you are hiking up the strenuous mountains and possible running away from bears and mountain lions.
    • Bring the proper hiking/mountain food. Chips and junk food are not the way to go. You will first of all look very stupid to onlookers, because anytime you entire nature you are saying that all you are planning to eat for the rest of your life is organic fruits and veggie, and other healthy organic goodness. 
    • Take advantage of every photogenic moment possible. If you are hiking to super secret waterfalls like my friends and I did, you may want to take some pics. to prove to people that you actually made it there. 

    You may want to take a beginning photo because after extreme hiking you will be sweaty, smelly and gross. Unless you are like these 4 classy ladies, in which case you are in a constant state of beauty

    Two if the falls that we fought the wild to get to. Once again most people won't believe that you are this hardcore so take a picture of the destinations that you may/may not reach.

    These two ladies are great examples of how to take full advantage of your waterfall experience

    • Make sure you find a map of all of the trails that you are planning to hike. It is safe to assume that most people do not have as excellent sense of directions as the four of us so bring a compass (only if you know how to use it). 
    • You will most definitely find a lake that you must swim in. It doesn't matter if it is freezing, which it was for us, you have to swim in the lake or your hiking experience doesn't count.

    An exclusive lake that only the most awesome of people have the ability to hike in
    You have just been giving some top secret and very vital tips for making your hiking excursion the best it can possibly be.
    Truths of the Day:
    • In Illinois it is illegal for barbers to use their fingers to apply shaving cream to a customer's face
    • Some species of dolphin sleep with one eye open
    • Albert Einstein was cremated and his ashes were spread over a river located in New Jersey




    So I mention some pretty famous people in my blogs and I live under the impression that the entire world knows who my friends and I are but tonight Vanka informed me that people who don't know her have no idea who I am talking about when I mention her name. I had no idea how to respond to this because of course everyone knows who we all are. Then Brittany informed me that I need to put pictures of my peeps in my blog. So in case you live under some huge large rock in the middle of no where and you have no connection with the real world, here is a picture guide so you never have to be confused when I mention these names.





    The Brother



    So these are the famous people that I know you already know but I wanted to give you very flattering pics of all of them. (I stole these pictures from their Facebooks. I hope you know that I chose the most beautiful pictures of you to put in this blog. You are welcome.) If I have forgotten to mention you or list your picture I apologize but it just means that, even the people who live under huge rocks in the middle of no where with no connection to the real world, know who you are and what you look like. Consider yourself lucky.

    Truths of the Day:

    • You cannot snore and dream at the same time
    • It’s illegal to ride an ugly horse in Wilbur, Washington
    • In Tennessee, it is illegal for children to play games on Sunday without a license

    Jealous Learning Abilities

    I had so much fun today with Vanka and Brittany at Concord Mills. I love to walk around that mall and usually I find some great deals. We saw some very classy and some not so classy objects.

    While I was out on our little day adventure I learned some very important and life changing information:

    1. It is very difficult to change lanes while driving, this used to be a very easy activity but OH NO not anymore
    2. 18 wheelers do not listen when you honk your horn at them, no matter how loud you and long you slam on your horn
    3. I loath getting up at 7am in the morning, it is even more disappointing when you don't go to bed until 2 am
    4. When shopping for exciting awesomeness my brain likes to trick me into thinking that I have unlimited funds
    5. Brittany can totally pull off a fanny pack
    6. I can't pull off a beach hat. I would love to be able to, but they look way better on Vanka
    7. Phone batteries do not last all day
    8. While Concord Mills Mall is said to be located in Concord, you will pass many Concord exits on your way there and you may start to think that you have missed your exit, but do not fear you haven't passed it, it is just really far up the road
    9. There is a TJ Max in Winston. Yes, I have lived hear a very long time and I always assumed that this town was not classy enough for the MAX
    10. I love homemade objects
    11. Google never ceases to amaze me
    12. The train conductor at Concord Mills does not seem to enjoy his job, I would rock that job, just FYI

    I try to learn new things everyday, usually I just learn by accident, but nonetheless I still learn which gives people even more reasons to be jealous of me

    "If you declare with your mouth,'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."  Romans 10:9

    Last week I was going through some of my college stuff and I found this verse bookmarked in my bible.
    This past semester and even now I have some friends who aren't Christian. Now there is nothing wrong if you have a different religion but I don't understand not believing in anything. I really searched and prayed for God to show me how to witness to these people. I hope I did the job right. This verse says so much!

    Truths of the Day:
    • Ice cubes in beverage advertisements are typically made of acrylic so they won’t melt under hot photography lights or move around. Bubbles are made by adding detergent, and water is added so light will filter through better.
    • By the time a person in the United States is 65 years old, he would have seen an estimated two million television commercials
    • In Bellevue, Ohio, public and private wastes were dumped into sinkholes and wells beginning in 1872. Over 120 years later, those wastes still show up in drinking water. In some wells, raw sewage from that era, including un-decomposed toilet tissue, can still be found


    Hiking the Unknown

    So my brother is an official high school graduate! I am currently very jealous of him because he is chilling at the beach and I am in Clemmons. But in order to make my life more exciting I am going to Concord Mills with Vanka and Brittany on Wednesday. I love to just walk around malls and wish that I can by everything that I see!

    On Friday Katie, Brittany, Vanka, and I will be gracing Hanging Rock with our presence. We will be going hard core by hiking and swimming in the beach-lake thing. Can't wait!!

    One of the beautiful Waterfalls we will be hiking to!

    The staircase waterfall!

    Natural Beauty

    Jealous is how you should be feeling right now.

    Lately I have been listening to Adele. I used to HATE her music but know it is all I listen too. Both of her albums are amazing, 19 & 20. She also re-did the Billy Joel song "Make you feel my love" so of course she earns extra bonus points in my book.

    This is Adele's version.

    Billy's version

    I also love this music video

    Truths of the Day:
    • It's against the law in Iceland to have a dog
    • There are more chickens than people in the world
    • The average four year-old child asks over four hundred questions a day


    Extreme News

    Check this articles:

    You are welcome for a good laugh. 

     The Ray-Bans that I will be ordering soon!

    "I Go To Extremes" by Billy Joel is one of my favorite songs. 

    "Call me a joker, call me a fool
    Right at this moment I'm totally cool
    Clear as a crystal, sharp as a knife
    I feel like I'm in the prime of my life
    Sometimes it feels like I'm going too fast
    I don't know how long this feeling will last
    Maybe it's only tonight

    Darling I don't know why I got to extremes
    Too high or too low there ain't no in-betweens
    And if I stand or I fall
    It's all or nothing at all
    Darling I don't know why I got to extremes

    Sometimes I'm tired, sometimes I'm shot
    Sometimes I don't know how much more I've got
    Maybe I'm headed over the hill
    Maybe I've set myself up for the kill
    Tell me how much do you think you can take
    Until the heart in you is starting to break?
    Sometimes it feels like it will

    Darling I don't know why I go to extremes
    Too high or too low there ain't no in-betweens
    You can be sure when I'm gone
    I won't be out there too long
    Darling I don't know why I got to extremes

    Out of the darkness, into the light
    Leaving the scene of the crime
    Either I'm wrong or I'm perfectly right every time
    Sometimes I lie awake, night after night
    Coming apart at the seams
    Eager to please, ready to fight
    Why do I go to extremes?

    And if I stand or I fall
    It's all or nothing at all

    Darling I don't know why I go to extremes
    Too high or too low there ain't no in-betweens
    And if I stand of I fall
    It's all or nothing at all
    Darling I don't know why I go to extremes

    No I don't know why I go to extremes
    Too high or too low there ain't no in-betweens
    You can be sure when I'm gone
    I won't be out there too long
    Darling I don't know why I go to extremes"

    Truths of the Day:
    • Mosquito repellents don't repel. They hide you. The spray blocks the mosquito's sensors so they don't know you're there
    • The first product to have a bar code was Wrigley's gum
    • Michael Jordan makes more money from Nike annually than the entire Nike factory workers in Malaysia combined

    Laughing all day

    Matthew Inman is hillarious. He has this website called It is so funny. Click on the links below to view my favs, they are so funny!!

    Check all of these out! I can't stop lauging.

    Truths of the Day:
    • Look at your zipper. See the initials YKK? It stands for Yoshida Kogyo Kabushibibaisha, the world's largest zipper manufacturer
    • On the average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents daily
    • The only domestic animal not mentioned in the Bible is the cat