

Casting Comfort

My mom gave me the news today that my grandpa is not doing any better or any worse, which a good/bad thing. Please keep him in your prayers.

"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8

This is a comforting verse that helps me get through times when there is nothing that I can do to better a situation besides prayer. I really hope that he is able to recover from all that he is going through and come home. But I know that God has a plan for everyone.

When a friend of mine died in the 6th grade it was a difficult time for me and my entire class. We were all pretty upset that, Christina, had died. Luckily we had awesome and supportive teachers and parents that helped us understand what was going on. The 5th grade teacher, Mrs. McLain, told us something that really has helped even today. She explained death to us like this.

God puts all of us on this earth for a certain purpose. When he takes one of us to be at home with him it is not something that we should mourn. We should celebrate because that means they have fulfilled their purpose on Earth and it is now time for them to be with God. This was comforting because I knew that my friend had already done God's work for her on this Earth and she was able to meet God. This may sound a little cheesy but this comforted me when my Grandma died on Christmas Eve.

If this post seemed a little depressing to you, just remember that today is national Gummi Worm Day. This is amazing because this means that you can eat as many gummi worms as you want and none of the calories count. Basically you are just eating water, or rather ice since you can't actually eat water but drink it.

Truths of the Day:
  • Arthur Conan Doyle, who created the literary character Sherlock Holmes, helped popularize skiing in Switzerland
  • Alaska is so big you could fit 75 New Jerseys in it
  • Turtles often bury their eggs in alligator nests. The mother alligator guards her nest so well it ensures the safety of the turtles as well

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