

Gloomy Days

Adorbs. umbrellas

Such a gloomy day makes me want to sit around all day and do absolutely nothing. However sometimes days like this are just what I need because you feel insanely relaxed for most of the day. Which is a rare type of day to find lately. 


Found a little something to help you make it through this gloomy day.

Gloomy Day Cures

Want to make this weekend:



Monday Blues


The day of the week I dread the most, not because it's the start of a week, it’s the day when everything gets piled on. Teachers give out more work than could possibly be done in a 7 day period, every meetings that is going on for the week is announced, and internship work gets piled on.

But luckily I started the day off right; devotion, played fav. songs loud (probably woke up suite mates, but who doesn't like getting up at 7:30), also had two cups of delicious coffee. Then went to Starbucks 3 hours later for more coffee. It seems to be the only thing that truly gets me through Monday's. 


Sticks and Movies

How was everyone's weekend? 

Mine was pretty dandy, and by dandy I mean filled with homework, layered between large movie breaks. Watched the mummies, well the only two that only count,  the third one doesn't actually count. Stress also played a large part in my weekend, between an online class that should be worth 12 credits alone and three other classes that take up more time than life itself, I am pretty sure I'll have a head full of grey hair by the time I graduate.

Good news from last week: I got an internship! Finally, it took long enough, but I am super excited to start this week. 

Found this to keep me distracted when needed: THIS ROCKS!


Work Work Work

How has everyone been lately?

I've been doing okay-ish just really busy with school and such. I feel as though I am taking three years worth of classes in one semester, because of all of this work. But the good news is that I finally got an internship for the semester so I'm pretty stoked about it. Trust, I will keep you up to date on all of the amazingness I do this last year of college. It is so hard to believe that I am going to be done soon and have to live in the actual real world, not the college real world.

A few days ago we (amazing RA's I work with) did a welcome wagon. We just pull a wagon around and give candy to all of our amazing residents. 


Sorry about this

It has basically been a month since I talked to you all. I'm pretty confident that you have been insanely lost and depressed without me. But nonetheless I am back and you should be proud.

Since you last saw me I have moved back into school, helped a friend pack a moving truck, became crazy stressed, and started classes.

Check it Out: