

"Your love's a gathered storm I chased across the sky"

Today was Halloween and it was a great day. Although nature was against Halloween this year, it rained all day, like hard core rain. The kind of rain that makes you look miserable. I don't usually enjoy dressing up for Halloween, mainly because I tend to look awkward. Which probably isn't too different from most days since I always seem to be in a hurry. But I managed to get a few decent photos of residents who dressed up in appropriate costumes. Appropriate as in not looking like a slut or like some strange thing that I can't tell what you are. Many people looked like they just took a glue shower then rolled around in their pile of dirty clothes. AKA, these people aren't blog worthy.

Anyway we still had the Halloween bash, and I have a few exciting photos to share. I must admit however that these pictures were taking with my phone, which is doesn't come with a classy camera. I like to think of myself as a photographer but in all reality I am using a lame phone. I do have a camera but it is constantly giving me attitude and after a long day living the life of a troubled/tired/stressed college student, the last thing I have energy for is a moody camera. Therefore you get phone camera pictures.

Basically speaks for itself, I must give credit to someone who dressed up as an actual character

Arts and craft table. We had very cute crafty things to do. This obviously interested me because I like to believe I am crazy crafty. Believe is the key word.

Face painting. Sorry for the blurriness

Adorable cupcake holders for the cake walk. I fell in love with these cutie-cakes.

Throw a dart, pop a balloon, get candy. Basically all we did tonight was hand out candy. But of course we can't just give people candy, we have make them work for it. Work for it by through darts at a board. You have to use your college education some how. It just makes us, staff, feel better that we don't just give them candy for no reason. I mean come on they are way to old to trick-or-treat, it is that time in life when you have to work for exciting things. So really us RA's are teaching the students a valuable lesson. You have to work to get rewards, such as chocolate or starburst.

Random resident, not exactly sure what or who he was trying to be, but I needed pictures. Pictures to allow you to feel like you were part of this experience, the experience that you probably weren't invited to.

Random guy once again

Oh Look, random guy has friends

Amazing fourth floor RA's!!

Two of my favorite people. Well three if you count me.  Kijhanique, Me, and Boyce.

I hope you were able to get a little taste of what you missed out on.

Truths of the Day:
  • The average US worker toils for two hours and 47 minutes of each working day just to pay income tax. Indeed, the average American pays more in taxes than for food, clothing, and shelter put together
  • Cow is a Japanese brand of shaving foam
  • Linen can absorb up to 20 times its weight in moisture before it feels damp


"'cause I don't need boxes wrapped in strings, and designer love and empty things"

Tomorrow is Halloween  so get excited!! I can't wait to see what everyone dresses up as. I on the other hand will be doing a housing Halloween program from 5-11. It will actually be a lot of fun and tons of activities will be going on!! So come out and join us.

Unfortunately the weekend is officially over. And this depresses me, but it is hard to be sad about Monday since tomorrow will be an awesome day. October has been an awesome month because every channel plays scary movies.

Movies that will give you nightmares forever

Truths of the Day:
  • In Florida failure to tell your neighbor  his house is on fire is illegal
  • Pittsburgh is the only city where all major sports teams have the same colors: Black and Gold
  • Bart Simpson's voice on the Simpsons is actually done by a woman, Nancy Cartwright


"But you move through my soul like a hurricane wind"

So get this, the weekends are a great time to get homework accomplished. I found this little tidbit of info out today. I literally got all (all as in most of everything) done, so tomorrow I am going to have to idea what to do with my self. This means that I might have to work ahead in some stuff or teach myself to have free time. Something  such as free time has not made an appearance in my life this semester. If I am not doing something for classes then RA business seems to intrude. I know that you are all feeling bad for me, I mean I feel bad for myself (YA self pity) but stop worrying the semester is almost over!

Once again I am overly excited that my favorite show, Arrested Development, is coming back soon for one more season and a movie!!!! I can't wait.

Truths of the Day:
  • The infinite sign is called a lemniscate
  •  Take your height and divide by eight. That's how tall your head is
  • Giraffes have no vocal chords


"Your love's a gathered storm I chased across the sky"

"Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke fits perfectly, and the burden I give you is light."
Matthew 11:28-30

I was so stressed today and I needed a good laugh. never seems to fail when it comes to bad days. It's like an addiction.

Truths of the Day:
  • In Oregon anyone with a bad reputation is prohibited from distributing malt beverages
  • Enamel is the hardest substance in the human body
  • The 20th president of the United States, James Garfield, was able to write Greek with one hand and Latin with the other at the same time


"'cause tonight's the night the world begins again"

I can't express how many times today I thought it was Friday, then I took one look at my planner and I was let down. But this site always puts me in a better mood.

Good Mood > Bad Mood

For some reason it is insanely calming but pushes me to be productive.

This on the other hand is how my days usually turn out.

Truths of the Day:

  • When honey is swallowed, it enters the blood stream within a period of 20 minutes
  • By donating just one pint of blood, four lives can be saved
  • Earl Dean developed the bottle design for Coca-Cola


"I don't know where I'm going, Only know where I been"

Slow day and confusing day. There is so much to think about when it comes to my future that I literally got a headache. It doesn't help when you have an advisor who is frustratingly dumb... Anyway to cheer me up a friend showed me this video.

It is so awesome.

Japanese Water Awesomeness.


Truths of the Day:
  • A deltiologist is someone who collects postcards
  • In the U.S. 7 our of 10 homes use candles
  • In Tennessee, it is illegal to shoot any game other than whales from a moving automobile


"You're the only one I ever believed in, The answer that could never be found"

I am terribly sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I take full responsibility for the fact that you have all been depressed, I promise to not go so long without blogging ever again.

This past weekend I went to the RA drive in aka RA conference. It was fun but defiantly not as good as last year. It is always so much fun to meet other RAs and are how their housing departments run things at their school.

MONDAY. I feel like I have failed because I told you a while ago that I would do my best to do away with this day and yet it made an appearance this week. So I had to deal with this crazy busy day.

Today was fun although and went by surprising fast. Tonight we had our "Make Your Gourd Glow" party. Basically we painted and carved pumpkins. And to make it even better, we painted them outside in the dark. Yep we are a safe building, allowing residents to use carving knives in the dark.

Truths of the Day:
  • Cranberries are one of just 3 major fruits native to North America. Blueberries and Concord grapes are the other two
  • Americans use over 16,000 tons of aspirin a year
  • Egyptian pyramid builders used to eat a lot of garlic because they thought it would increase their strength


Facebook=End of Interweb as we know it

Lately in one of my media classes we have been the dicussing the media empire that is Facebook and it's owner Mark Zuckerburg. There are so many changes hapenning and from the look of things Facebook will be over taking the world.

This article truly answers all questions and gives all vital information to stay up to date on this ever-changing topic.

Facebook Takeover


MC Hammer vs. the Google Box

Remember this Guy?

Well since you are all huge fans of his I figured you did.With that being sad, I am absolutely sure that you know about his new search engine that he has created. In his dream world, this will over take Google and Bing, and become the largest search engine ever. WRONG. This is ridiculous, this makes about as much common sense as me being president. (For those of you who don't know, I know insanely little about politics and I don't really care to ever discuss them)

CBS has actually done a news article on it: Too much free time= Search Engine

There is also a really informative video on the site where he explains the reasons behind his madness.


Big Brain= Facebook's Fault

Alright dedicated readers, these next few readings will be dedicated to my Writing for the Media class, as part of an assignment. I am so glad that we can use our own blog for this assignment. I was reading the news paper a few days ago (something I rarely do) and I came across this story: Big Brain due to Facebook

Check out the story

So now that you have read it (yes you must read to understand what I am about to say):

The basic idea is that the more facebook friends you have, the more social you are and certain areas of your brain are larger. The amygdala is area largley affected by this. It is interesting how your actual brain is affected by this however, certain areas become larger.  But let me just say that I do not have numerous amounts of facebook friends but I feel like a I am very social person. So this study must not work on all people. Also, I feel like a study to figure this out is deffinanlty unneeded. Obviously if you have over 500 friends, you are pretty social.



"I'll stay with you, The walls will fall before we do, Take my hand now, We'll run forever"

So today was a pretty uneventful day. Usually I love nice and drama free days, but today went by way too slow. I don't know why but it did. I was literally looking for anything exciting to do. It got so bad that I was looking forward to working the front desk, and then disappointment hit when I didn't have to. Yep, I lead a sad life somedays. But I couldn't leave you without something fun....

I really feel bad that some people have so much free time

Found your shoes

A typical conversation between me and a friend.

Also you should follow me on twitter, I am hilarious: ElizabethMenzel

Truths of the Day:

  • Emus and kangaroos cannot walk backwards, and are on the Australian coat of arms for that reason
  • Britons eat over 22,000 tonnes of french fries a week
  • Coffee is grades according to 3 criteria: Bean quality (altitude and species), quality of preparation, size of bean


"And when I stood there and I felt November chill, You crushed my heart and I really lost my will"

I truly hate those people in class who just seem to have no clue what is going on. The teacher can explain something in great detail and then that one person raises then hand and ask a million questions, about what the teacher has just explained.

They say ignorance is bliss but this article really does prove that fact. It is about Placebo Buttons, and I must give credit to my dad for making me aware of this. I had never really thought about it but after reading about it, it makes perfect sense.

Apparently there are buttons everywhere that just exist to make people happy. These buttons serve no real purpose. Like elevator buttons, the close door button. The close buttons don't close elevator doors in most elevators are just there since the Americans with Disabilities Act came about. It only works most of the time with key. AKA only workers with specials keys with special permission have access to this always needed button.

Another button is the crosswalk button. Most of them are disabled now but it would cost the city to much to take them out, so they stay in place just sitting there making us feel awesomely smart. The crosswalks are usually on a timer.

Please read this interesting article, mainly because I do not do a very good job of explaining anything, so read this to get the real scoop. Placebo Buttons

ABC news did an interesting video on the subject. Button Video

Confession: Even after reading all of this, I will still be pushing those buttons. Just FYI.

Truths of the Day:
  • October 1st is the official Coffee Day in Japan
  • Mickey Mouse is known as Topolino in Italy
  • One-third pound stalk of broccoli contains more vitamin C than 204 apples


"Laughing love doll, Boy, you're so proud, love is sold out"

I loath Mondays. Everything seems to go wrong on a Monday. My 4th floor RA partner, Boyce and I used to call them Manic Mondays because every thing seemed to go wrong on our floor on Mondays. I am not just complaining here, I have some very valid and factual information as to why Mondays should die.

  1. Can't sleep in
  2. Time to see all the people you can't stand
  3. 4 more days until I get to sleep in again
  4. It is the longest day of the week...I swear I have already checked the time 10 times and I think it has barely moved 5 minutes
  5. Happy morning people...enough said
  6. Everyone and Everything seems to move at a slow pace, prolonging this day
  7. Weekend is officially over
  8. I have no excuse to put off work any longer
  9. Basically I just don't like them and I choose not to participate in this dreadful day.

Truths of the Day:
  • The chemical name for caffeine is 1,3,7-trimethylzantihine
  • Draftsman have to make 27,000 drawings for the manufacturing of a new car
  • Every year, Alaska has about 5,000 earthquake


"Every time I'm walking down by Delaware Park, You rarely hold my hand when it's after dark"

Today was an amazing day. My parents came down for the day and we went shopping and got lunch. I absolutely love shopping and shopping for clothes is even better and shopping for fall attire is the best kind of shopping trip there is.

Why fall clothes are amazing:
  2. Sweaters
  3. multiple layers
  4. boots
  5. cute closed toe flats
  6. adorable pants
  7. I find that there are more amazing options to choose from 
  8. Dressy Jackets
  9. Gloves
  10. Classyness that a fall outfit gives to your life

Obviously I am very pro fall. A few blogs ago I listed my reasons for absolutely loving fall weather. I my have been jumping the gun with that post, but it is now truly time to celebrate fall.

Also, fall offers less humidity. And that is a gift if you have hair like mine that is highly attracted to humidity and it seems to do go crazy once it finds humidity.

I need everyones help in making fall last as long as possible this year. I mean it can't be too much trouble right?

Truths of the Day:
  • Banana oil never saw a banana; it's made from petroleum
  • Every day, over 1,300 babies are born prematurely in the USA
  • The number of cars on the planet is increasing three times faster than the population growth


"But I swear that anything you could be I could be can't you see"

I am so excited for tomorrow. My parents are coming to school! It will be nice to catch up with them.

Okay so I finally gave in and got a twitter. I still am not quiet sure if I like it or how often I will use it. Because let's face it, I don't really care what people are doing every second of their life but I do enjoy following the news stations and some televisions shows that I enjoy watching.

Twitter name: ElizabethMenzel

I am not a big gamer. But I do enjoy a good Wii game every now and again. It can usually help de-stress or have fun. Well not tonight, tonight the Wii made me feel like a failure. How can an inanimate object make you feel small or failurish? It's quiet simple, the game never let me win. I was a pro at many games but by looking at my scores from tonight one would assume that I am a beginner. However due to the fact that I am not a huge gamer this doesn't bother me too much, except for the fact that it has officially ruined my night. Dramatic you say, I think not.

It was made very clear tonight that I will never ever ever bowl like a pro. I have no ability in the bowling department of life. It's fine, I will revert to the next hard core sport, Frisbee. I can at least make a dog catch a Frisbee in the air and do flips. That counts for something right?

Opening a bakery is something I need to add to my life's list. Don't worry I won't actually be cooking the food or baking the goods, I just want a bakery so that someone else can make yumminess at my bakery so that my name looks good. Also I want to be able to eat fresh baked good whenever I desire. I do have some high standards that I am looking for in a qualified baker. 1. Be able to make box brownies perfectly. 2. Work for free.

Apple Pie Cookies via Smitten Kitchen

Truths of the Day:
  • Americans on average use about 580 pounds of paper per year per person
  • Singer Michael Jackson owns the rights to the South Carolina State anthem
  • Portugal is the world's largest producer of cork