

Usefully Useless Knowledge

I know alot of information which is why and I so very smart, and I would love to share it with all of you.

  1. Almonds are a member of the peach family
  2. The full name of Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel, Uncle Toms Cabin, is actually Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly
  3. Queen Elizabeth II has a rubber duck in her private bath with an inflatable crown
  4. The average human scalp has 100,000 hairs
  5. Seven suicides are recorded in the Bible
  6. In Las Vegas, it's against the law to pawn your dentures
  7. 14 years before the Titanic sank, novelist Morgan Robertson published a novel called Futility. The story was about an ocean liner that struck an iceberg on an April night. The name of the ship in the novel was The Titan
  8. Close to 80% of people who watch the Super Bowl on television, only do so to view the commercials
  9. Check your map. The Pacific entrance of the Panama Canal is farther East than the Atlantic entrance
  10. The eyes of the chameleon can move independently. It can see in two different directions at the same time
  11. In the movie, Gandhi, 300,000 extras appeared in the funeral scene. Of the 300,000, approximately 100,000 received a small fee, and the other 200,000 did it for free
  12. Dominique Larrey, Napoleon's chief surgeon, cold amputate a leg in 13 seconds
  13. The Miss America Contest was created in Atlantic City in 1921 with the purpose of extending the tourist season beyond Labor Day
  14. Almost is the longest word in the English language with all the letters in alphabetical order
  15. A man named Charles Osborne had the hiccups for approximately 69 years
  16. Cows can detect odors up to five miles away
  17. The total mileage driven by all U-Haul trucks in a year is enough to move a person from the Earth to the moon five times a day for an entire year
  18. An apple tree is at its prime when its about 50 years old. The US produces about 100 million barrels of apples a year
  19. Mules are genetically sterile
  20. If you wanted to count from one to one trillion and you started right now, counting twenty four hours a day, it would take you about 31,688 years
  21. Average people airborne over the US any given hour: 61,000
  22. Peaches were once known as Persian apples
  23. Americans spend approximately $25 billion each year on wine
  24.  three most valuable brand names on Earth: Marlboro, Coca Cola, and Budweiser. In that order
  25. A toaster uses almost half as much energy as a full sized oven
  26. In Hood River, Oregon, you can't juggle without a license
  27. The electric shaver was patented on November 6, 1928
  28. For more than 3,000 years, Carpenter ants have been used to close wounds in India, Asia, and South America
  29. Draftsman have to make 27,000 drawings for the manufacturing of a new car
  30. The average bank teller loses about $250 every year
  31. At birth, bear cubs weigh between .5 and 1 pound
  32. Irish Wolfhound dogs have a short lifespan and live about 7-8 years
  33. Despite the many rat infested slums in NYC, only 311 people are bitten by rats in an average year
  34. An office desk has 400 times more bacteria than a toilet
  35. The only bone full grown at birth is located in the ear
  36. Bluebirds cannot see the color blue
  37. The country with the highest rate of cremations is Japan. In 1996, 98.7% of all deaths were cremated
  38. An elephant could carry up to 2 gallons of water in its trunk
  39. Dreamt is the only English word that ends in the letters MT
  40. An albatross can sleep while it flies. It apparently dozes while cruising at 25 MPH
  41.  There are 86,400 seconds in a day
  42. Contrary to popular belief, London Broil is not a cut of beef but rather a method of cooking
  43. Pilgrams did not eat with forks. They used only spoons, knives and their fingers
  44. 500,000 tons of dog excrement are dumped annually on the streets of Paris
  45. Kit Kat chocolate bar was introduced to the market in 1935
  46. In Bexley, Ohio ordinance number 223, of 09/09/19 prohibits the installation and usage of slot machines in outhouses
  47. In Johannesburg, the average car will be involved in an accident once every four years
  48. Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people do
  49. Peanuts are salted in the shell by boiling them in a heavily salted solution, then allowing them to dry
  50. Forty is the only number which has its letters in ABC order. One is the only with its letters in reverse ABC order
  51. The state that grows the most cranberries is Wisconsin. More than 300 million pounds of cranberries are grown in Wisconsin
  52. If you fart consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create an explosion that is equal to an atomic bomb
  53. If you put a raisin in a glass of champagne, it will keep floating to the top and sinking to the bottom
  54. Even though red roses look the same, there are 900 different types of red roses
  55. Certain frogs can reguritiate their stomachs, in order to clean them with their feet
  56. In Wyoming it is illegal to tattoo a horse with the intent of making it unrecognizable to its owner
  57. Beelzebub is Hebrew for "lord of the flies"
  58. A California doctor has set the record of eating 17 bananas in two minutes
  59. There are over three trillion craters on the moon, with some being having a diameter of over three feet
  60. The Hawaiian alphabet only has 12 letters
  61. A moth has no stomach
  62. In Corpus Christi, Texas, raising your alligators in your home is against the law
  63. The first police force was established in Paris in 1667
  64. Oscar Wilde and his friends came up with the word dude
  65. On average, Americans spend 6 months of their lives waiting at red traffic lights
  66. Emus and Kangaroos cannot walk backwards
  67. Many hamsters only blink one eye at a time
  68. Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a novel with over 50,000, none of which contain the letter e
  69. It is against the law in Oregon to get married in your bathing suite
  70. Andrew Johnson, was the only self-educated tailor. He is the only President to make his own  clothes as well as his cabinet's
  71. A group of geese is called a gaggle, a group in their air is a skein
  72. Orcas, when traveling in groups, breathe in unison
  73. In Tibet, it is considered good manners to stick out your tongue at someone
  74. Astronauts become between two and three inches taller when in space
  75. Flu shots only work 70% of the time
  76. Butterflies taste with their feet
  77. Ghandi didn't allow his wife to take penicillin to save her life from pneumonia but took quinine to save himself from malaria
  78. Honeybees have hair on their eyes
  79. There are some species of snails that are venomous, it can be fatal to humans
  80. A Russian man her wore a beard in the time of Peter the Great had to pay a special tax
  81. Fingernails grow faster on the hand you favor
  82.  In 2002, the most popular boat name in the U.S. was Liberty
  83. Muhammad Ali won his heavy weight championships on three continents: North America, Asia, and Africa
  84. 65% of the candy that is produced in a year is consumed by American adults 18 years and older
  85.  Farmers in England are required by law to provide their pigs with toys
  86. The Willamette River in Oregon is the only river on Earth that flows it's entire distance north
  87. Maine is the only state whose name is just one syllable
  88. On average redheads have 90,000 hairs. People with black hair have about 110,000 hairs
  89. A pipe 2 feet in diameter will allow four times more fluid to pass through than a pipe 1 foot in diameter
  90. Cashew nut shells contain oil that is extremely irritating to human skin
  91. Lady Bugs really are not bugs. They are actually beetles and their correct name is The Ladybug Beetle
  92. There are no cemeteries in San Francisco, CA
  93. in 1897, Bayer, who is the maker of Aspirin, marketed the drug heroin
  94. The youngest movie star to win an Academy Award was Shirly Temple who won an Oscar in 1934 at the age of 6
  95. Americans did not commonly use forks until after the Civil War
  96. The world's first adhesive stamp went on sale in England in 1840. It was the Penny Black, portraying Queen Victoria
  97. Yellowstone is the world's 1st national park. It was dedicated in 1872
  98. Water expands 9% when it is frozen
  99. The first toilet ever seen on television was on Leave it to Beaver

Your are welcome. I am so glad that I had the chance to expand your knowledge of very important worldly matters.

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