

Searching for Danger

The other night I was leading an exciting night which consisted of watching TV more specifically Animal Planet. I know, I know, you are thinking "Whoa calm down, Elizabeth stop being so dangerous." So while watching this exciting channel I saw a preview for a show called, Finding Bigfoot. Well this obviously caught my attention because I am sure that you all know about my life long dream of meeting Big Foot.

I have had this dream for sometime and there has never been anyone to explain or help me properly see/catch this creature. But Animal Planet has come to the rescue. This new show "Finding Bigfoot" will be my new obsession until this matter is sorted out.

Unfortunately I have not yet been able to see a full episode of this show but luckily these two hot men have some tricks to assist me in my endeavor.


Thank goodness I know how to properly hunt for this animal?/human?/thingy?
I would love to get some assistance on this dangerous task. I assume it is dangerous, his name is "Bigfoot" which sound pretty intimidating.  I can only assume that these ladies :

The previously mentioned hiking gurus. 

Will be the ones to assist me in this project.


Truths of the Day:
  • There was a molasses flood in Boston on January 15, 1919 that killed 21 people and injured 150 people
  • Bette Midler, Barry Manilow, and many other famous vocalists got their start in a New York City club called The Continental Baths
  • In Albany, NY, you cannot play golf in the streets

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