

Story of Photos

I was reminiscing the other day while I was scrapbook. I came across a photo shoot that some friends and I did early this past semester. Stephanie, Besh, Ashley and I are insanely photogenic so it was no surprise that we are always asked to have our pictures taken. This made me start to realize that I am good a lot of things, and since being extremely good looking is one of them, I feel the need to explain how this  photo shoot went down. 

The starting photo, we all look good.

These crazy people do not know how to take a photoshoot

As you can see by these first two pictures there is a wrong and right way to take the proper group picture. In order to remedy the second picture let me explain what to do. First is that you want to make sure you are always looking your best when you take a picture. Now I know you are probably saying "Elizabeth you always look your best" and I know, but you probably have your bad days.

It was a crazy day and a lot went down, here is how it played out.

We had to show the world what it means to be a true G

According the the Menzel siblings this person is also a true G

Although sometime ciaos can break out, it's bound to happen since we are all such amazing people and there is always a competition as to who is the awesomeness.

Ashley and I were so scared because Besh and Stephanie were constantly arguring over everything. 

Then we decided we just couldn't handle the fighting anymore, so we used our super strength to keep them apart.

Now sometimes you might decide to go bird watching while you are inside of the photoshoot building. Obviously we did some extreme bird watching. It lasted for hours.

Besh's had started to get big and she thought she was big stuff. This picture was a catastrophe. It would have been awesome but Besh just busted through and took over.
However in the end we all looked classy and don't hate on us.

Truths of the Day:
  • The human brain uses approximately as much energy as a 10 watt light bulb
  • Before prohibition, Shlitz brewery owned more land in Chicago than anyone else, except the Catholic Church
  • In 1996 Americans bought $2.6 billion worth of gum

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