

Living in Random

The other day I was when I was being insanely productive I thought that I needed to start being more of a daredevil. This is not as easy as it sounds, I pretty much live on the edge in everything that I do but it is time to step up my game. In order to achieve this goal I thought of everything that I could change in my life, so that I can seem/become more hard core. My conclusion was that I would start not always saying please and thank-you, never saying 'bless you' if someone sneezes and not always being friendly to strangers, and not always eating my veggies.

I know this seems a little much, and I am confident that most people would not be able to do this in their life. Only the true hard core people can act this awesome. I have been trying this for a couple of days and I feel it is now time to step up my game. 'Parkour' is a video about a bunch of people who get from point A to point B in the most extreme way possible.

AMAZING! I will start doing this everywhere I go. It is so great that I can learn how to live my life from a YouTube video.

If you thought that was extreme, check out how "The Office" achieves true Parkour.

This seems a little more difficult than the first video but I will let you be the judge of that. (I apologize for the horrible quality of the video, it was the only one that showed the entire scene.)

As you can probably tell from previous blog post, I assume that you stalk my blog, there is a lot I am planning on accomplishing this summer/lifetime. It is just so great that awesome people can put up classy videos so that I am able to conquer  fears an live out my dreams. If it weren't for people putting up necessary videos on YouTube then I would just be another outstanding, productive citizen of society working at a job and becoming successful. Thank goodness I do not have to worry about that anymore.

Thank you Random People for allowing me to lead a non mundane life.

Truths of the Day:
  • Rabbits have three eyelids, they are also incapable of burping and farting
  • In Texas criminals are required to give their victims 24 hours notice, either orally or in writing, and to explain the nature of the crime to be committed
  • Some birds have been known to put ants into their feathers because the ants squirt formic acid, which kills parasites

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