

Publically Appropriate

                So the weekend finally came. After the longest week of my life I finally have a break (sort of). Instead of being insanely productive and catching up on everything in my life, I am going to be a crazy awesome rebel (without a cause) and just chill out!

                One thing that has managed to keep me busy is watching one of my favorite shows on hulu. ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT is the funniest show ever! I forgot how much I loved the show, so luckily I have had that to keep me occupied with life. The Chicken dance is a large part of this show so be amazed:

So the subtitles are classy and backwards but if you ignore that aspect of the video you learn how to do a public appropriate dance. 

                Music keeping my occupied: Billy Joel.(whom I will maybe possibly  marry one dayish)  I have always been in love with his music and it is one of the best stress relievers.

Truths of the Day:
  •   Cat’s urine glows under a blacklight
  •  The Australian $5 to $100 notes are made of plastic
  •    Some lions mate 50 times a day

Enjoy and I know your day was made. 

You are welcome

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