

Optimistically Different

I am attempting to be more optimistic about everything. It's not that I am a negative person (actually I am very positive except when it comes to making plans I will look at what could go wrong)  but I will always look at what could go wrong when making a decision and not what could positively come out of it. So from now on I will only think that positive things can happen.

Good/Positive things that happened today:

  • Did all of my homework for the weekend
  • Went to an amazing concert tonight
  • Drank tons of water

There were probably other amazing things that happened today but I am just starting with the whole optimistic party idea so lets not get carried away.

Check out this house, The Nautilus, designed by Mexican architect Javier Senosiain, is located in Mexico City.  It is constructed of ferrocement.

This house is beautifully created. Not sure how it would be to actually live in but to have the creative juices to think this up must be amazing.

Truths of the Day: 
  • One punishment for an adulterous wife in medieval France was to make her chase a chicken through town naked
  • The faster a kangaroo hops, the less energy it burns
  • The average stay for a prisoner on Alcatraz, when it was used as a prison, was five years
Run everywhere tomorrow!

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