

Earth Tie-Dyed

Friday is right around the corner and I can not wait. This is going to be such an amazing weekend. We are celebrating Beshany Gardner’s bday this weekend! She is turning 21 and it will be amazing.

Today was the end of the semester social for Housing and Residence Life. Which basically means we get together and have an amazing night of catching up on the entire semester. Boyce and I were nominated twice for bulletin board of the year and I was nominated for RA of the year. So it was an extremely exciting night.

Next Wednesday Ashley Thomas and I are going to be putting on the most exciting program of the year, YOU SHOULD COME! 

 It's called "Dye the Earth" and we will be planting flowers and tie-dying shirts!

 "Then you will have success if you are careful to observe the decrees and laws that the LORD gave Moses for Israel. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged."

1 Chronicles 22:13

This was the Bible verse for my devotion today. It was perfect for everything that I am going through especially with exam week right around the corner. This just shows me how perfect God’s timing is and that he is always looking out for me. It is insanely comforting. 

Truths of the Day:
  • Mosquitoes are attracted to the color blue more than any other color
  • Catfish have taste buds located on their whiskers
  • Sliced bread was patented in 1954

Get excited about Friday!


Turtle Defeated

Tomorrow is the last day of classes!  For me at least. I have one class tomorrow and I am already ready for it to be over. New Testament is my class and I swear that the teacher has it out for me. She calls me out on every single thing I do. At one point I was writing in my planner and she flipped out, she does this to other students also. Never having to have her as a teacher again is my biggest motivation to get a perfect score on the final exam. 

                Pets. I have never been an animal person. Puppies are cute for like and hour and then I am over them, same goes for most other animals. Except giraffes and walruses, which I will both own one day soonish, and my beautiful bird named Apple Butter Butt. So I was talking to a friend today and she was telling me how she just adopted four baby turtles and she was so excited. She has built them this massive aquarium home thingy and everything. I had the hardest time being excited for her. (Obviously I acted excited but in my mind I was thinking about the busyness that I had going on the rest of the day) She proceeded to tell me that she was worried that the turtles might not all get along. (How in the world can turtles not get along, is what I was thinking, but whatever) 

I am so excited about summer's soon appearance.  My brother is graduating high-school in June so that will be exciting and he is thinking of going to UNCG.

Truths of the day:
  • In 1845, inventor Thomas Adams started the world's first chewing gum factory
  • And adult sheep can eat between 1-4 kg of good per day
  • Until 1796, there was a state in the United States called Franklin. Today it's known as Tennessee

Sleep in tomorrow!


Stressful Bliss


It Wednesday so get excited. That means that Friday is close which means an extremely fun weekend of exam studying starts. I am so thrilled, (by now everyone should realize my insane amounts of sarcasim). 

I have been very stressed lately dealing with end of semester madness. This bible passage is one that I always read when I am stressed or starting to feel overwhelmed. 

Philippians 4:6-7
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Ways to deal with stress:
  • Biking
  • Bird Watching-I would get very bored doing this activity
  • Wood working-sound like terrible amounts of fun
  • Laughter and comedy are very healing--and believe it or not, great stress management tools. They help us to release pent-up energy and emotions. 
  • Exercise
  • Say NO
  • Get creative-color a picture or draw
  • Organize thoughts and days work
  • Think POSITIVE
These are just some tips that I can think of to help you deal with the stress of being a college student. They are all very very very good tips so good luck choosing which ones to do.

May 8th can't come soon enough, mainly because Katie Nelson and I are going to have a Billy Joel Jamming Out Party Night. I am so excited.

So I totally know that these videos are cheesy and ridiculous but it does not change my opinion the Billy.

Truths of the Day:
  • In Chillicothe, Ohio it is illegal to throw rice at weddings
  • Kodak is the first chain store to open in Antartica
  • The original name for butterfly was flutterby

Later Gator


not Superstitious, just STITIOUS


Matthew 28:1-10
:After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men.

The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: 'He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.' Now I have told you."  So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. Suddenly Jesus met them. "Greetings," he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, "Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me."

Easter church service is one of my favorite services. I manly love the songs that we get to sing.

Yesterday was tons of fun, I went shopping with my parents and I got some much needed clothing. I did however have trouble finding tops that were not trashy or old looking. Maybe I am just not up with the latest fashion, but everything looked gross and old. So half of my wardrobe is classy, the shorts/pants/dresses, and the top part I may look like a bum. (not for real but I am frustrated)

I started on Friday watching old episodes of the office:

One of my favorite episodes and lines in all seven seasons of the show!

Truths of the Day:
  • On average it takes a shark seven days to replace a tooth
  • The cruise liner, Queen Elizabeth II, moves only six inches for each gallon of diesel that it burns
  • Humans blink over 10,000,000 times a year

Go hunt Easter Eggs!


Double Day Celebration

Happy Earth Day! 

CELEBRATE! It may be Good Friday but today is also EARTH DAY, so celebrate it. It can be a, two important day, party.

I was very unproductive today, but it is totally fine because tomorrow my parents are coming! I am very excited to spend the day with them because it has been 2 or more months since I last saw them.
Due to my unproductiveness this will make me feel better

Awesome Ideas on how to celebrate Earth Day:
  • Recycle
  • Join-The Canopy Project:  Sponsored by the Earth Day Network, the Canopy Project is an international drive to plant as many trees as possible. 
  •  Choose environmentally safe cleaning fluids for your home or business
  • Reuse sandwich bags
  • Join the EPA’s “Pick Five for the Environment” campaign, and commit to five everyday activities to help the planet on the EPA’s Facebook page.
  • Text “tree” to 85944 to donate $5 to the Green World Campaign to plant five trees in damaged forests from Kenya to Mexico.
  • Spread the word about Earth Day and green living to your friends and family with a green post on your blog, a green status message on Facebook or a green tweet. Use the hashtag#earthtweet on Twitter to share your thoughts and see how others are celebrating Earth Day.
  • Donate $1 to the Nature Con. Plant a Billion Trees project. For each dollar donation, one tree will be planted in Brazil’s Atlantic forest.
  • Get up to speed on environmental issues by watching a video on alternative energy or green living at Earth Day TV
  • Pledge to one “act of green,” from using reusable grocery bags to writing your legislators, as part of the Earth Day Network's Billion Acts of Green campaign. Post your pledge on their website or on their Facebook page
  • Use as your default search engine and “like” it on Facebook. Every search funds environmental projects around the world that reduce carbon emissions.
  • And, of course, download Earth911’s  free  iRecycle App on your iPhone or Android phone for year-round access to more than 800,000 recycling and disposal options for more than 240 materials.

I just gave you numerous ways to celebrate this marvelous day so you have no accuse to be at home tonight being bored.

Truths of the Day:
  • The largest baseball card collection, 200,000 cards, is in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • Half of all Americans live within 50 miles of their birthplace
  • Bourbon was first made by a Baptist minister from Bourbon County in Kentucky in 1789. That is where it got its name.
Smile at 25 strangers tomorrow!



First I am so sorry that there are not enough hours in the day so that I can blog more often. I am such an interesting and modest person and I feel so bad that you can not read about my life more often. 

I am at school for the entire Easter Break, I was not happy about this fact at first but it is extremely quite in OAK and I have plenty of time to get homework done, so I really have no excuse. (However I will still make up some reasons to procrastinate which I am surprisingly good at)

This is an amazing website, a friend turned me on to it. It has made me realize that I need a house with over 20 rooms because I love to decorate and there are so many amazing pieces of furniture that would not fit into one room. 

Necessities for life:

These are just a few of the awsomness that I need for life. Feel free to gift these to me. I could add a million items but time is an issue.

Truths of the Day:
  •  In the year 2000, Pope John Paul II was named an "Honorary Harlem Globetrotter"
  • An average human drinks about 16,000 gallons of water in a lifetime
  • In just one drop of liquid, 50 million bacteria can be present
Smoking is horrible


Optimistically Different

I am attempting to be more optimistic about everything. It's not that I am a negative person (actually I am very positive except when it comes to making plans I will look at what could go wrong)  but I will always look at what could go wrong when making a decision and not what could positively come out of it. So from now on I will only think that positive things can happen.

Good/Positive things that happened today:

  • Did all of my homework for the weekend
  • Went to an amazing concert tonight
  • Drank tons of water

There were probably other amazing things that happened today but I am just starting with the whole optimistic party idea so lets not get carried away.

Check out this house, The Nautilus, designed by Mexican architect Javier Senosiain, is located in Mexico City.  It is constructed of ferrocement.

This house is beautifully created. Not sure how it would be to actually live in but to have the creative juices to think this up must be amazing.

Truths of the Day: 
  • One punishment for an adulterous wife in medieval France was to make her chase a chicken through town naked
  • The faster a kangaroo hops, the less energy it burns
  • The average stay for a prisoner on Alcatraz, when it was used as a prison, was five years
Run everywhere tomorrow!


Causing Chaos

Oh weekend, please come back to me. This was a fantastically amazing weekend. I went home with the lovely Stephanie Combs and had a blast with her mom shopping and getting our hair cut all day Saturday. I am in love with my new hair cut thanks to Stehanie's amazing hair lady. I must say that I look trendy( my version of trendy at least, I am a very untrendy person) 

                It was nice however to come back to school and hang with Besh and Ashley and Stephanie last night. We caused some massive chaos last night, we took classy and gangsta pics last night. (not actually gangsta because we are the whitest girls ever but we are tying to channel our inner  playas)

I wish that I was poetic or had some creative writing juices in my blood, but I don’t and because of this dilemma others must be creative. I love to read poems about life, love, and sadness. I have many favorites. I also love song lyrics, they are interesting and somehow they always make perfect sense.

Truths of the Day:
  • Starfish have no brains
  • Women's hearts beat faster than mens
  • The worlds oldest piece of chewing gum is over 9,000 years old

Drink Water