In order to achieve this goal I have been trying to think of different goals that I could meet. The list so far is basically made up of small ideas. But I still have about 2 days to come up with something awesome. This is a list of some resolutions that I feel I could probably achieve, and possibly give me the false hope that I am awesome
1. Spend less than $1324 a year on Starbucks
2. Buy a money tree
3. Watch more funny YouTube videos
4. Watch less TV in standard definition
5. Lose weight by living on the moon
6. Procrastinate more
7. Start a bad habit that I will already have my new years resolution for next year: To quit the bad habit of 2012
8. Jog more, only in my dreams
9. Read more substantial material. AKA follow more blogs that have no point
This is just a starter list of some great ideas. Trust me I will think of more great resolutions and keep you updated.
Truths of the Day:
- The 'L.L' in LL Bean stands for Leon Leonwood
- Reindeer milk has more fat than cows milk
- Rice is the chief food for half of the people in the world