

Pink Palindrome

The countdown has begun. In exactly a week I will be back at school and enjoying some intense RA training. And like a responsible adult I have not starting packing, I will be waiting until probably Sunday night or even to make it more exciting maybe I will wait till Monday morning!! I am truly excited to go back to school and see everyone but at the same time I don't want to leave my friends here at home. The summer has gone by way to fast and I feel the need to rush everything into the last week and there just isn't enough time in the days.

Today I helped Vanka clean her apartment to get it prepared so that she can move all of her stuff in. I am very jealous of her and I have decided that she needs to give me her check book and credit cardssss and I will gladly decorate her place. Luckily she has very good taste and similar to mine so it is obvious that she will love anything that I buy her with her money. So Vanka get ready, I will buy you stuff and you can pay the bills.

So I saw this today and I feel like I may have found the Christmas gifts that my family and friends will be getting from me this year. It is called, Big Stinky Fly Trap, and check it out!!


Let me explain how this amazing product works:

Fly Trap Gets Rid of Fruit Flies and Yellow Jackets

Big  Stinky Fly Trap™ Lures’em, Traps’em, and Kills’em; ridding barns, stables, kennels, and patios of common flies. The Big Stinky Fly Trap™ is the first truly successful scientific approach to complete fly control.  Scientist and inventor, Bill Brown, utilized his extensive background in organic chemistry to develop the Big Stinky Fly Trap’s™ unique fly control method.

Lure’em. The Big Stinky Fly Trap™ first lures in those pesky flies by taking advantage of the “sex scent” of female flies.  Initially, a special fly attraction fluid is mixed with raw fish or lean meat to get the Big Stinky Fly Trap™ cycle started.  Flies are attracted to this ideal egg-laying formula and find their way to the Big Stinky fly Trap™.

Trap’em. Once lured in by the attracting scent, those horrid flies and other common garbage flies enter the one way blackened duct and become trapped inside the container of the Big Stinky Fly Trap™. The female flies, now trapped inside, give off a sex scent attracting the male flies to the Big Stinky Fly Trap™.

Kill’em. Once trapped within the Big Stinky Fly Trap™, both male and female flies are digested with enzymes. These enzymes release a scent exceptionally attractive to more female flies, luring the next batch right in. The Big Stinky Fly Trap™ continuously repeats the cycle; ridding the outdoors of flies, fruit flies, yellow jackets, and common garbage flies.

With the Big Stinky Fly Trap’s™ outstanding effectiveness, you soon find yourself overloaded with thousands of dead flies. Big Stinky Fly Trap™ users are astounded by how many flies the Big Stinky Fly Trap™ really kills. The Big Stinky Fly Trap™ byproduct is an excellent fertilizer. Wisconsin State Testing Laboratory has found flies contain a significant quantity of nitrogen, potash and phosphorous. Just bury the flies six inches deep near the roots of slow-growing trees, shrubs or flowers, and watch them grow!  Buried flies make a great fertilizer as they produce larger than normal plants.

This is directly from their website so you know it is for real. Check out the entire site:
  The Big Stinky Fly Trap

I hope you are all ready for Christmas. This is such a beautiful piece of lawn art. It will not look tacky hanging from a tree in your yard.  I am so excited to give these out that I may not be able to wait until December 25, you might be getting it on November 2. Because I can for sure wait until at least then.

Truths of the Day:
  • The greatest snowfall ever in a single storm was 189 inches at the Mount Shasta Ski Bowl in February 1959
  • In a year approximately 900 million trees are cut down to make the raw materials needed for American pulp mills and paper
  • Gardening is said to be one of the best exercises for maintaining healthy bones

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