

Trusting Tulips

Not much going on except for the fact that the mundane task of going to class everyday has begun. But it really hasn't been to bad yet, but we will see how long that last. I am actually really excited about starting the yearbook class. The first was today and I feel completely lost, mainly for the pure fact that I have no experience in this area yet.

I am still trying to learn how to "let go" and just except that somethings happen because they are supposed to happen.    But really it is so hard to accept the fact that somethings happen just because.

Always love Eminem

This is a hilarious movie!

Saw this and thought "Truth" I am guilty about gossiping but isn't everybody? At some point or another we all gossip but spreading rumors hurts everyone and I know that for myself it is really important to watch out for them. This has become more prevalent to me because I have freshmen on my floor this year and they are still in high-school mode and they will do anything to hurt someone who they don't like. I notice this so much during meditations, which my partner Boyce and I seemed to do tons of last semester.

Hope you enjoyed the few pics. that I found.

Enjoy the weekend!

Truths of the Day:

  • The speed at which honey bees fly is at 15 miles per hour
  • In ancient Rome it was considered a sign of leadership to be born with a crooked nose
  • In Vulcan, Alberta Canada, the tourist welcome sign is written in both English and Klingon (alien language from "Star Trek")

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