

Xanthic Xantusiidaes

I have come to the conclusion that there is way to much going on in my life right now, although I wouldn't have it any other way. But in order to keep my self a little sane I have decided that I need an assistant, just to help me get through the day. I am not asking for too much but life is crazy busy and dramatic right now and I could sure use a break, or maybe a month long trip to some place tropical, like the private islands my friends Vanka Vance and Sunana Elizabeth Chatrath are supposed to be purchasing very soon.

Alright the application process has begun. But I am not taking just anybody, there are a few simple guidelines that one must follow in order to even get an interview.

Guidlines/responsiblities you must agree to uphold and carry out

  1. Give me a credit card with a bill I never have to pay
  2. Get me a 4.0 in school 
  3. Get me into a fantastic grad. school
  4. Paint my nails fun colors
  5. Go to my early class for me so that I can sleep in. If I don't get the proper amount of sleep how can I possibly be a good boss to my assistant
  6. Buy me awesome things from awesome places
  7. Cook gourmet meals every night
  8. Clean my room for me once a week
  9. Take test that I don't think will be easy
  10. Assists Blackboard assignments
  11. Read books and insert the knowledge dirrectly into my head
  12. Must be a funny person who can constantly make me laugh. I hate boring people.
  13. Follow me around and act like I am famous

So these are just a few requirements, if you don't think you can meet them then don't even worry about reading any more into this blog. Now some of you might be thinking that this makes me seem like I want to be lazy and just lay around. UNTRUE. I'm just trying to employee people in an economy where most are losing their jobs. So actually you are welcome. And there will of course be compensation for a job well done, I am not a mean person.

The big and scary Irene never actually came to Pembroke. It rained for maybe an hour this morning and that was it. It is just very windy. I guess that's a good thing, but I find it funny because so many people were afraid of what was going to happen when the hurricane hit the school. My mom and brother made it safely to Michigan, YAY!!!! I was worried since Irene seems to be so extreme but it sounds like they made it there just fine.

Truths of the Day:
  • Jeremy Bentham, a British philospher who died in 1832, left his entire estate to the London Hospital provided that his body be allowed to preside over its board meetings. His skeleton was clothed and fitted with a wax mask of his face. It was present at the meeting for 92 years
  • Goats' eyes have rectangular pupils
  • By donating just one pint of blood, four lives can be saved

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