

Pink Sunday

Had a great Sunday. I got to hang with my amazing babysitting kids. I always learn so much when I am there like that Barbie and Ken are not married anymore because Barbie stole kens puppy. I am so behind on all of this kind info. Also I was informed by a  5 year old that I do not know how to properly play with  little pet shop animals. (these are basically the little plastic animals that have HUMONGOUS eyes that are totally creepy.) Despite having my intelligence challenged by a 5 and 9 year old I had so much fun playing with them.

We also went to see:

 I wanted soooo badly to see this movie and I was going to have to drag a friend with me to see it but luckily I was able to take my babysitting peeps. It was such a great movie.

If you are slowly becoming addicted to blogging and other blogs like I am you should check out my friend, Ashley’s blog: Pink Lemonade. She just started her blog but I am very positive that it will be amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, E! Thanks for linking my blog, you're awesome!! P.S. You should council Ken and Barbie, they are destined to be together!
