

"I hope you're gonna see these things happen someday, So don't stop lookin' for that light along the way"

Today we celebrate one of my best friends, COFFEE! It is national coffee day. I believe in taking full advantage of this day and consuming as much of this caffeinated drink as possible. You should too!!

While you may think that drinking coffee can become addicting, let me inform you of the fantastic health benefits that it has.

  1. Antioxidant Rich - coffee, due to its high caffeine content, is a great source of antioxidants. Antioxidants are cancer preventative and help fight the negative affects of aging.
  2. Magnesium Rich - unfortunately studies have proven that many Americans are magnesium deficient, a mineral necessary to many of the enzymes in your body in order to catalyze reactions.
  3. Anti Bacterial and Anti Adhesive Qualities - believe it or not, Italian researchers discovered this interesting little fact as they were conducting experiments regarding their favorite national drink that was getting a bad rep by health researchers ("them"). Practically speaking, this means that coffee is proven to prevent cavities (provided you don't dump an ocean of sugar into your drink).
  4. Promotes Digestion - because coffee is a diuretic, it generally speaking, sends people straight to the bathroom.
  5. Improves Athletic Endurance and Performance - Believe it or not, coffee has recently been labeled a "controlled" substance for athletes participating in the Olympic Games due to the unfair performance advantages large amounts of the drink provides. Coffee has proven to increase athletic endurance as well as general coordination and performing abilities in serious athletes.
  6. Decreases Depression - studies conducted on school age children in Brazil demonstrated that children who drank a cup of coffee before going to school had a much lower instance of depression later in life than those who didn't drink coffee.
  7. Decreases Your Chances of Developing Parkinson's Disease - 6 separate studies conducted by researchers have proven that people who drink large amounts of coffee on a regular basis are 80% less likely to develop Parkinson's disease then those that don't.
  8. Decreases Your Risk of Developing Colon Cancer - studies have shown that people who drink 2 cups of coffee on a regular basis have a 25% reduced risk of developing colon cancer.
  9. Offsets the Damaging Effects of Smoking - coffee has proven to offset some of the negative side effects of heavy smokers, such as heart disease and liver damage.
  10. Treats Asthma and Headaches - asthma and headache medicines contain large doses of caffeine in them due to the substance's ability to treat their symptoms. The caffeine found in coffee, although present in smaller amounts, has proven to have the same positive affects on alleviating headaches and treating asthma.
  11. Reduces Your Risk of Liver Disease - studies have shown that people who drink 2 cups of coffee on a daily basis have an 80% reduced risk rate of developing liver cirrhosis 

I am not implying that you need to drink 8 cups a day, but maybe 4!

I am personally thankful to this lovely drink and I owe it everything. Go out and Celebrate the awesomeness that is coffee. 

Check out The Oatmeal, this is an awesome blog, and he has given you some very important info about Coffee.

Recipes made possible because of Coffee:

Great website for Coffee Lovers: COFFEE!!
Truths of the Day:
  • Coffee is the second most traded product in the world after petroleum. World Wide coffee production tips the scales at about 6 million metric tons
  • The average person who buys coffee outside of the office to consume at work will spend the equivalent value of a round trip plane ticket to Florida every year
  • The expression "a cup of Joe" to donate coffee, was first coined during WWII, when American servicemen (G.I Joe) were identified as big coffee drinkers


"You never take A promise from a man who sheds his skin, You had to wait for my aching heart to break"

Gloomy days are depressing but there is an up side! Cute rainy outfits.

"All is fair in love and war, and this is a revolution!" 

I have been wanting to watch Top Hat. I have only seen it a few times but it has just been one of those days where you just want to curl up with a huge pillow and blanket and watch movies all day.
Gloomy days make me want to listen to Aqualung.

I must admit that both videos are a little strange

Truths of the Day:

  • The national anthem of Greece has 158 verses
  • All of the clocks in the movie "Pulp Fiction" are stuck on 4:20
  • The board game Scrabble was originally called Criss Cross Words by inventor Alfred


"You see a little stranger in your mirror, The guy you never knew is what you fear"

Stephanie Combs came to visit and it has been an amazing weekend. It has been so much fun catching up and having all kinds of random fun that we seem to have. We (Stephanie, Besh, and I)  literally laugh at the most random stuff, we probably look really strange to public, but we love it. Check out the fun you didn't have tonight but we did:

Halloween Costume 2011?

Future Husband!

The farmer herself

Four things that should NEVER be worn in Public:

Truths of the Day:

  • Half of the 42 U.S. Presidents are of Irish descent
  • A quidnunc is a person who is eager to know the latest news gossip
  • "Ghandi" had the most extras of any movie ever made with about 300,000 people. The German movie "Kolberg" is second with 187,000


"Oh, you're so vein, Now your world is way too fast, Nothings real and nothing lasts"

So I am very sure that you all read my pot party post. And I am proud to announce that my plants are actually growing! This may not seem too exciting to most people but I have a difficult time keeping plants alive, so this is a very huge stepping stone for me. This literally made my day.

Plant/Pot #1

Inside of #1

# 2

Inside #2

Truths of the Day:
  • The deepest underwater penguin dive is 1,772 feet by and Emperor Penguin
  • In San Salvador, drunk drivers can be punished by death before a firing squad
  • To burn off one plain M&M candy, you need to walk the full length of a football field 


"Hold on Dream away, You're my sweet charade"

I really apologize that I have been absent for two days. A lot has been going on here at school and I just can't seem to find much free time, although I guess this blog should be my top priority. It is where most of you get your information.

Yesterday was a strange day. One person was really bothering me and then it all come to end, when they basically through me and some friends under a bus, as most people would say. I have honestly tried all semester to like this person, and understand that they may be different from me but I still need to respect them. But they really ruined all chance of that yesterday. I just don't understand why you would be against others, and not want to be on our side and help us out. I am not going to dwell on this, I have honestly put it behind me. It just needs to be made clear that being my friend is a blessing and once I decide we can't be friends, that basically means we really won't ever be friends. Oh well

On a serious note, someone today told me my blog was nonsense, I believe they actually used the word stupid. (this honestly didn't bother me, but I know this person will feel very happy if I call them out in my blog. Don't worry, I could care less what people think of me or my awesomeness, and I know by saying this it was just a cry for help because he wants to be as awesomely amazing as me one day) Allow me to explain why this blog is A for Awesome.

Reason: No one else has a blog like this, be jealous.

Not a huge fan of the Twilight movies, but love Mean Girls.


 I am currently obsessed  with this website: Dear Blank Please Blank

Truths of the Day:
  • The city of Tokyo was originally called Edo
  • Watermelons can cost up to $100 in Japan
  • Duracell, the battery-maker, built parts of its new international headquarters using materials from its own waste


"Reach for higher ground, About the way you look"

I had such a great day. The Oak Hall Pot Party was tonight!! We (RA's) put on a program where residents could decorate flower pots and plant flowers. There was such a great turn out, at least 70 residents came to the awesomeness. It is always so much fun to see the residents enjoy something that we as RA's put time into planning. Although someone stole a flower pot that a friend was going to decorate, and I don't really get that because the pots are free and they could have just gone up to the window and ask for one, but I don't seem to understand a lot of things that people seem to do.

I took some pictures but unfortunately it was with my phone because I forgot to charge my camera. I even remembered last night while I was trying to fall asleep that it needed to be charged, but of course I am way to lazy to get out of bed and do it right then. So I was going to do it this morning, but oh of course my brain decided to block that memory out of my head. Which brings us here: semi-okayish-maybe-good pictures of an awesomely fantastic program.

I just want you to get a great idea of what sorts of fun you missed this evening.

A totally irrelevant video but so blog worthy:

Truths of the Day:
  • The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time television was Fred and Wilma Flinstone
  • In Singapore, it is illegal to sell or own chewing gum
  • Goodyear Rubber Company researched and concluded that shoes wear out faster on the right foot than the left


"Forgotten but not gone, You drink it off your mind, You talk about the world like it's someplace that you have been"

Forgot this movie existed. Love It.

Buy it/ rent it. It is hillarious and will make any gloomy day AMAZING!!

Truths of the Day:
  • If you attempted to count the stars in a galaxy at a rate of one every second it would take around 3,000 years to count them all
  • A common custom in Spain is to eat one grape for each of the last 12 seconds of every year for good luck
  • The Shroud of Turin is the single most studied artifact in human history

"I wanna wake up where you are, I won't say anything at all"

It's another cold but lovely day here at school. I'm truly in love with the fact that the weather has been cold since yesterday. It is giving a false sense of fall. Because I know that by next week the dreadful heat will be back making everyday hot and miserable. But I am not thinking that far in advance, I am focusing on the fact that fall is coming up and I could not be more excited.  Fall is basically my favorite time of year, although it doesn't seem to last very long. So much excitement goes on during this time of year.

For one I get to wear nail polish colors such as these:

Very wintry/fall colors that anyone should only wear during this time of year.

The cooler temperatures also a huge bonus. This leads to fall clothing such as sweaters, jeans, long sleeve shirts, and the fact that it is perfectly acceptable to run an errand in a sweatshirt. Oh Scarves!! These became a new obsession of mine last fall. I never really liked wearing them nor did I think that I could pull them off. But last fall I had a new revelation and decided that I could totally wear a scarf and make it look amazing.

 Just a couple of stylish scarves. I do have a pretty extensive collection of my own, although my friend Stephanie has a collection that fills millions of suitcases. I aspire to reach that level of collectedness one day.

Hot Chocolate, Hot apple cider, and Hot spiced wine become acceptable meal drinks!

Three Holidays start to approach: Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas

One of the most important aspects of this time of year is the: Starbucks Pumpkin Spice!!!!!!!

I am so excited because this weather reminds me that all of my TV shows start up. This could be bad new for the rest of my life however because procrastination also starts up again. Obviously what is happening on Grey's is much more important than an up coming test or paper.

Burning leaves is a smell that I LOVE. I seem to associate bon-fires with Fall.

The changing colors of the leaves is almost like a drug. Color always makes people happy. All of the brightly colored leaves can't help but make your smile.

Daylight savings, it may start in March but it ends in November, and that means I will be getting an extra hour of sleep on that night.

Can we say: Better Hair Days! Summer causes humidity which causes my hair to develop its own mind and decides that even if I have styled my hair very beautifully, it will do what ever it wants once I step outside.

Oh I also get to start wearing earrings that normally I feel I can't wear because they do not look summery enough.

There may be some flowers there which most associate with summer but the colors represent fall and beauty!

These are just a few reasons why I am looking forward to fall. This weekend is fooling me into thinking that all of this is about to happen. I am pretty sure will be in for a rude awaking once Monday/next week comes along.

Truths of the Day:

  • In literature, the average length of a sentence is around 35 words
  • A cat has 32 muscles in each ear
  • The largest employer in the world is the Indian railway system in India, employing over 1.6 million people


"You're cynical, You're beautiful, You always make a scene"

It's happened again, Friday. Don't get me wrong, I love a Friday night, but when you are on duty your Friday night that basically means that you are selling your soul to the front desk.

But Sarah Heard, (read her rap in this here lovely spot!) is keeping me company, so YAY!!!!

For some reason this has been a long week. But dinner at San Jose, with Boyce, Beshany, Nikki, and Sarah, was the perfect way to end a stressful week.

Oh actually another day maker was the fact that it was cold outside which means that I get to start wearing winter awesomeness.

These are just a few basic essentials that I will need for the up coming winter. If you would like to buy them for me, comment on this blog and I will give you my address.

I learned tonight, well last night, that I am part of the 4th Floor Rebels, and Second floor residents are 2nd floor saints.

Anyway I hope you all have a blessed and happy Friday evening!!!

Truths of the Day:

  • An area of the Sun's surface the size of a postage stamp shines with the power of 1,500,000 candles
  • 41% of the moon is not visible from Earth at any time
  • Babies start dreaming even before they're born


"It's 5 O'clock somewhere This lunch break is gonna take all afternoon half the night"

Monday's are my least favorite thing about a week. I really think that on Monday's we should be required to do nothing, absolutely nothing. But luckily today is Tuesday. It was a really good day. Although I managed to wake up with a killer headache, but somehow it has gotten better and less stressful.

I learned that:
  • Ke$ha is good for Beshany's spirit 
  • Disney's "Princess and the frog" might be dangerous
  • Perez Hilton is not the most accurate person to get my news updates from. Brittany and Vanka told me this, this past summer, but it took many people to tell me, before I finally took the hint. But if you still want to be awesome here is the website to assist you: Website to Help you get the most accurate news about imporant things currently going on in society
  • I need to start my own record lable, according to my Mass Media teacher, this is a way to become a billionaire
  • I am an awesomely awesome person

Tomorrow is Wednesday, which means that Friday will only be two days away.  So get excited, although I am on duty this weekend, so it will be a semi boring weekend.

Cantaloupe is one of my favorite fruits, so naturally I was saddened when I found out that there has been strain of Listeria found in a bunch of cantaloupe, which basically means they are becoming uneatable. Check out the actual article: HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It may surprise you that I was able to give you such an educated article to read. Trust, I am a very smart person I and I do actually keep up with the news and the important stuff in life. Like the danger that cantaloupe is apparently causing us.

Truths of the Day:
  • The 20th president of the United States, James Garfield, was able to write Greek with one hand and Latin with the other at the same time
  • Washing machines use anywhere from 40 to 200 liters of water per load
  • The odds of being born male are about 51.2% according to census


"We only got four minutes to save the world, no hesitating"

Procrastination is something I seem to be very good at. And because of this I am left reading a long story for one of my classes, at the last min.

This whole homework/school/work/living/being social thingy is getting a little difficult. Now one ever applied when I offered a job for my assistant, see here for application, I am now in desperation mode and I need volunteers. Think of it as pro-bono, which looks really good when you start applying for real world jobs. (I can't actually promise that I hold much validity when it comes to your future job/employer. But don't get me wrong, I am always willing to write someone a letter of recommendation. I mean being as awesome as me has to mean something to someone.)

"Beauty is how a woman lives. Beauty is in the mind, not the mirror"

These past two weeks have been crazy busy and stressful. So much has gone on in my life and it was all jam packed into one crazy week. Well obviously I need some comfort during this time, and God is who I turn to. I try to do a devotion every day, and honestly, it really calms me and helps me have a better day.

"Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke fits perfectly, and the burden I give you is light."
Matthew 11:28-30

Another great stress relief is this:

I hope I was able to assist in the procrastination of your life.


Truths of the Day:
  • Close to two million people who go to hospitals in the United States for one ailment wind up catching another
  • The first episode of the popular television sitcom Happy Days was titled All The Way
  • In America, the most common mental illness is Anxiety Disorders


"She says baby , It's 3 am I must be lonely. When she says baby ,Well I can't help but be scared of it all sometimes, Says the rain's gonna wash away I believe it "

Today is the first home football game of the season!! Go Braves. Although I do believe that I will be stuck in my room doing homework all day because two of my classes are making me take the test online :( The fact that they are timed means I will have to sit in my room and study before taking the test. No easy way out this time, no using the book while taking the test.

So in order to be productive and get tons of work finished today, I am blogging!

During a homework brreak I started thinking, "How in the world do I do an intervention for one of my friends" well this is a tough situtation, but I have found the perfect guide/instructions on how to gentally approach someone who needs an intervention.

I can't wait for, The Office, to start back up again!

Oh also I have been feeling very creative lately which is probably good news for my suite. It is going to be very awesomely decorated in the next couple weeks. Although due to my small budget it may actually take a whole year, which by then I will have to take it all down to leave school. So it doesn't make too much sense but I don't really like to think that far in advance because then things start to get depressing, so 408 is about to be the most amazing suite in all of Oak Hall and possible/probably the entire campus.

Truths of the Day:
  • Enamel is the hardest substance in the human body
  • Indonesia consists only of islands- 13,667 total
  • The smallest island with country status is Pitcairn in Polynesia, at just 1.75 square miles


"It takes two to make a thing go right, It takes two to make it outta sight"

Finally Friday. The week was only four days and it still felt like an eternity. But that's totally fine because it finally came and I had a really fun day. I didn't do anything that you would probably find exciting but I enjoyed it. I bought nail polish that cracks and I am addicted to it and Besh and I laughed so hard that we both literally cried. It was a much needed laugh after a stressful/busy couple of weeks. Thanks Besh.

This guy has been living on Chuck (my car) for since about school began. He some how has the will power and strength to stay on the car even when I am driving. Not really sure what to name him, but be jealous he it not living on your car.

Quite often say that you should be jealous of my life. This may be getting old due to the fact that I keep saying it over and over. But This is a real true fact and I aim to only serve you the facts and truths about life.

I need to apologize to you all because I meant to put this in yesterday's exciting entry so you would understand it a little more.

Easy Explanation (feel free to judge every single aspect of this video, I sure did):

Truths of the Day:
  • The only two days of the year in which there are no professional sports games (MLB, NBA, NHL, or NFL) are the day before and the day after the Major League all stars Game
  • There are 53 Lego bricks manufactured for each person in the world
  • The age limit for marriage in France was, until recently, 15 for girls, but 18 for boys. The age for girls was raised to 18 in 2006


"If I get one ray of sunlight to hold in my hands, Maybe we can be happy again"

It's the little things that make my day. Like an awesome text or someone being kind/amazing. Today was one of these awesome days.

  • I learned that Besh might be British if she started playing in the US open
  • I still have no idea how the scoring in tennis is played even though I ask Besh probably 30 times a day
  • Tomorrow is Friday
  • Sunday is two days away
  • I need to collect emails from my residents for housing purposes. But the nine left to get are the nine residents who never live here, it should be a fun evening tracking them down
  • This is fourth floor RA birthday week, fun times
  • I learned how to make a whale through iPhone texting only, sorry blackberry losers

Stephanie Combs sent me an awesome birthday package that consisted of the most adorable things. A really cute necklace, fun wall hanging, koozie ,  and other neatness you are jealous of.

I also got a homemade card from Katie Nelson. I love anything homemade. Another day maker. Even the envelope was highly decorated.

Yep, jealousy.

So tonight after a tiring and unfortuantly slightly boring training session, Nikki, Besh and I hit up the store to buy some necessities. Well Besh has been feeling a little blue lately but she finally was able to meet up with with life long and only friend.

She is taken, sorry boys. You will have to fight Snoopy for her.

I need to give a shout out to Nikki Wever (4th floor french exchange student) for the idea of a number. (she knows what I am referring to)

 This conversation sums up the friendship between Stephanie Combs and I.

Stephanie to Elizabeth -
 Hey, Ugly! When is the next weekend that you're free? Look at movies that sound good, foodidge that sounds good and save me a spot on your couch cuz I'm gonna visit SOON! :D I am busy this weekend but am free any one after!

Elizabeth Response- 
Okay smelly here is the deal, I will check my on duty schedule and I will try come up with a weekend in my busy life to allow you to come to this exciting town of Pembroke and hang with me. It will be like a second Christmas for you.

Stephanie Response-
You really will?! Oh please do! It would mean the wooooorld to me!!

Elizabeth Response-
Well I am not sure if I told you this but I am trying something new this semester: attempting to be nice to others in order to make their day. And you are the lucky first that I have decided to try and be sort of nice to. You are so welcome.

Stephanie Response-
I am crying with delight!

Elizabeth Response-
Ummm.... If you are going to cry about it then I might need to re-think the invite

Stephanie Response-
I MEANT smiling! :D

Elizabeth Response-

Stephanie Response-

Elizabeth Response-

Stephanie Response-

Elizabeth Response-
Flying Post cards

Stephanie Response-
Cabbage rose

Elizabeth Response-
Smelly errings

Stephanie Response-

Elizabeth Response-
American lions. I am so glad we understand each other.

Stephanie Response-
that's what enemies are for!!

Elizabeth Response-
True Stories

Stephanie Response-
holla back

Elizabeth Response-
Of course

Truths of the Day:
  • If you plant an apple seed, it is almost guaranteed to grow a tree of a different type of apple
  • In the United States, turkeys are mostly raised in California
  • The world's tallest grass, which has sometimes grown 130 feet or more, is bamboo