

"It's 5 O'clock somewhere This lunch break is gonna take all afternoon half the night"

Monday's are my least favorite thing about a week. I really think that on Monday's we should be required to do nothing, absolutely nothing. But luckily today is Tuesday. It was a really good day. Although I managed to wake up with a killer headache, but somehow it has gotten better and less stressful.

I learned that:
  • Ke$ha is good for Beshany's spirit 
  • Disney's "Princess and the frog" might be dangerous
  • Perez Hilton is not the most accurate person to get my news updates from. Brittany and Vanka told me this, this past summer, but it took many people to tell me, before I finally took the hint. But if you still want to be awesome here is the website to assist you: Website to Help you get the most accurate news about imporant things currently going on in society
  • I need to start my own record lable, according to my Mass Media teacher, this is a way to become a billionaire
  • I am an awesomely awesome person

Tomorrow is Wednesday, which means that Friday will only be two days away.  So get excited, although I am on duty this weekend, so it will be a semi boring weekend.

Cantaloupe is one of my favorite fruits, so naturally I was saddened when I found out that there has been strain of Listeria found in a bunch of cantaloupe, which basically means they are becoming uneatable. Check out the actual article: HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It may surprise you that I was able to give you such an educated article to read. Trust, I am a very smart person I and I do actually keep up with the news and the important stuff in life. Like the danger that cantaloupe is apparently causing us.

Truths of the Day:
  • The 20th president of the United States, James Garfield, was able to write Greek with one hand and Latin with the other at the same time
  • Washing machines use anywhere from 40 to 200 liters of water per load
  • The odds of being born male are about 51.2% according to census

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