

"I wanna wake up where you are, I won't say anything at all"

It's another cold but lovely day here at school. I'm truly in love with the fact that the weather has been cold since yesterday. It is giving a false sense of fall. Because I know that by next week the dreadful heat will be back making everyday hot and miserable. But I am not thinking that far in advance, I am focusing on the fact that fall is coming up and I could not be more excited.  Fall is basically my favorite time of year, although it doesn't seem to last very long. So much excitement goes on during this time of year.

For one I get to wear nail polish colors such as these:

Very wintry/fall colors that anyone should only wear during this time of year.

The cooler temperatures also a huge bonus. This leads to fall clothing such as sweaters, jeans, long sleeve shirts, and the fact that it is perfectly acceptable to run an errand in a sweatshirt. Oh Scarves!! These became a new obsession of mine last fall. I never really liked wearing them nor did I think that I could pull them off. But last fall I had a new revelation and decided that I could totally wear a scarf and make it look amazing.

 Just a couple of stylish scarves. I do have a pretty extensive collection of my own, although my friend Stephanie has a collection that fills millions of suitcases. I aspire to reach that level of collectedness one day.

Hot Chocolate, Hot apple cider, and Hot spiced wine become acceptable meal drinks!

Three Holidays start to approach: Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas

One of the most important aspects of this time of year is the: Starbucks Pumpkin Spice!!!!!!!

I am so excited because this weather reminds me that all of my TV shows start up. This could be bad new for the rest of my life however because procrastination also starts up again. Obviously what is happening on Grey's is much more important than an up coming test or paper.

Burning leaves is a smell that I LOVE. I seem to associate bon-fires with Fall.

The changing colors of the leaves is almost like a drug. Color always makes people happy. All of the brightly colored leaves can't help but make your smile.

Daylight savings, it may start in March but it ends in November, and that means I will be getting an extra hour of sleep on that night.

Can we say: Better Hair Days! Summer causes humidity which causes my hair to develop its own mind and decides that even if I have styled my hair very beautifully, it will do what ever it wants once I step outside.

Oh I also get to start wearing earrings that normally I feel I can't wear because they do not look summery enough.

There may be some flowers there which most associate with summer but the colors represent fall and beauty!

These are just a few reasons why I am looking forward to fall. This weekend is fooling me into thinking that all of this is about to happen. I am pretty sure will be in for a rude awaking once Monday/next week comes along.

Truths of the Day:

  • In literature, the average length of a sentence is around 35 words
  • A cat has 32 muscles in each ear
  • The largest employer in the world is the Indian railway system in India, employing over 1.6 million people

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