

"Hold on Dream away, You're my sweet charade"

I really apologize that I have been absent for two days. A lot has been going on here at school and I just can't seem to find much free time, although I guess this blog should be my top priority. It is where most of you get your information.

Yesterday was a strange day. One person was really bothering me and then it all come to end, when they basically through me and some friends under a bus, as most people would say. I have honestly tried all semester to like this person, and understand that they may be different from me but I still need to respect them. But they really ruined all chance of that yesterday. I just don't understand why you would be against others, and not want to be on our side and help us out. I am not going to dwell on this, I have honestly put it behind me. It just needs to be made clear that being my friend is a blessing and once I decide we can't be friends, that basically means we really won't ever be friends. Oh well

On a serious note, someone today told me my blog was nonsense, I believe they actually used the word stupid. (this honestly didn't bother me, but I know this person will feel very happy if I call them out in my blog. Don't worry, I could care less what people think of me or my awesomeness, and I know by saying this it was just a cry for help because he wants to be as awesomely amazing as me one day) Allow me to explain why this blog is A for Awesome.

Reason: No one else has a blog like this, be jealous.

Not a huge fan of the Twilight movies, but love Mean Girls.


 I am currently obsessed  with this website: Dear Blank Please Blank

Truths of the Day:
  • The city of Tokyo was originally called Edo
  • Watermelons can cost up to $100 in Japan
  • Duracell, the battery-maker, built parts of its new international headquarters using materials from its own waste

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