

Measuring Giraffes

So of course giraffes are my favorite animals and this just makes them ten times better. I will of course of live, full grown giraffes at my vinyard but this can be carried around in my purse, just like those crazy people who carry dogs in their purses and bags. Those people are crazy because it makes no sense to bring a miniature dog places but a miniature giraffe makes much more sense.

Check it:

This farm is called Sokoblovsky farms in Russia. So the waiting list is extremely long and I am not 100% sure if they are a real thing but if they are I need one immediately no matter what the cost.

I love this rug!! Pottery Barn has amazing home decor

Curtains from Anthropologie

Measuring Spoons

Measuring Cups

Hand Towels

When I own my own amazing home one day I will constantly shop at Anthropologie to furnish my entire house. It may be pricy but I am a very classy person and only the best will do.


Truths of the Day:
  • Whiskey was first brewed in the United States in 1640. It was made from a mixture of corn and rye
  • City Ordinance number 352 in Pacific Grove, CA makes it a misdemeanor to kill or threaten a butterfly
  • Hong Kong has more Rolls Royces per person than anywhere else in the world


Easy Complications

Realize this: life is crazy complicated. Due to this startling fact I have decided it is obviously up to me to make a list of life rules to make it easier for everyone. (In reality this will only make me less stressed and these ideas probably only benefit me but after all it is always about me)

1. Life should give rewards to people who do awesomely amazing things. Not rewards like pay checks, things like less calories in food and exciting surpries like a song when I walk into a room. (I have been thinking lately that I need a theme song.)

2. Traveling from one country to another should be easier and cheaper.

3. Every time I work out outside it should be very cold and a constant breeze

4. I need to be given a talk show. This would obviously benefit the entire world

5. Mondays no longer exists, or they need to become an extension of the weekend

6. Stupid and annoying people no longer exists or they just constantly stay out of my way

7. I need to have an amazing sense of fashion. I have yet to truly accquire this skill although I act like I have.

8. Ice cream is good for you and helps build muslces

9. Money grows on trees

I should have nine tips for making life easier for the world but I don't. I feel the need to point out that these really only benefit me but that should have been known before you started reading this entry. There are tons of other tips I have stored away but I am only revealing nine for now.

How awesomely amazing does this sound:

Truths of the Day:
  • Prince William and Kate Middleton got married on the same day as Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun
  • It is considered bad luck to bring bananas on a fishing boat
  • A chameleon turns white when shocked


Jogging through Summer

Not having a stable job yet this summer has really made me start to think about what will happen when I graduate and have to get a real job. Babysitting has provided plenty of funds for me since the 11th grade and I absolutley enjoy and love spending time with the four children but they are still in school so I am barley working. This is a problem. Every time I tell somebody my major they act very sorry for me. FRUSTRATION. I am very aware that the job market for teachers is not at a prime but I am have full faith that I will have a teaching job when I graduate. Mainly because I am an awesomely awesome person, just FYI.

So this past week was pretty amazing for the most part. Vanka and I continue to walk, which is fun, but we tried to add jogging the other day and we look like hot messes but I am sure it was good for us. Unfortunately the week went by a little to fast, this is  problem for someone who is attempting to savor every second of this summer.

I tend to think things through way to much and I start think about futureness and everything and I stress myself out. THIS IS NOT A GOOD THING.

"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." 1st Peter 5:7

I want this luggage set!

Truths of the Day:
  • Kansas state law requires pedestrians crossing the highways at night to wear tail lights. 
  •  The elephant is the only animal with 4 knees. 
  • 7.5 million toothpicks can be created from a cord of wood.


Princess Unpoised

So a friend sent me an email to this website that is amazing! I am sure that most of you have heard of these before but I am still going to list a few for you

If you watch it backwards:
  • If you watch Home Makeover Extreme Edition backwards, you'd see a group of people taking a family away from their nice homes, destroying it and bringing them back to a nondysfuntional and devastating home
  • If you watch the invasion of Iraq backwards, America leaves Iraq a better place than they found it
  • If you watch Bruce Almighty backwards, it's about God failing to answer anyone's prayers and handing the job over to Morgan Freeman
  • If you watch Remember the Titans backwards, it's about Denzel Washington segregating a talented football team
  • If you watch Titanic backwards, it's about underwater people reparing a ship with an iceberg so that they can sail to England
  • If you watch Tarzan backwards, it's about a civilized man who turns into a jungle savage and lives with gorillas for the rest of his life
  • If you watch Twilight backwards, Taylor Lautner still looks like a llama
  • If you watch Mean Girls backwards, it's about a girl who gets so unpopular that she moves to Africa
  • If you watch Home Alone backwards, it's a story about two mean who are helped out of traps by a young child, who then cleans them up. Then, the child's family comes home and yells at him
  • If you watch The Truman Show backwards, it's about a man who dreams of living his whole life as a TV show, discovers a massive TV studio, makes his dreams come true, and lives happily ever after
  • If you watch Gran Torino backwards, it's about a zombie who becomes more and more racist
These are just some of the funny ones, check out the website:

This is hillarious also:

Truths of the Day:
  • Percentage of Africa that is wilderness: 28%. Percentage of North America that is wilderness: 38%
  • Even though the rose does not bear any fruit, the rose hips have more Vitamin C than most vegetables and fruits
  • There are 336 dimples on a regulation US golf ball. In the UK it's 330
Enjoy your Saturday!


Tiny Black Brain

 Goo Goo Dolls are one of my favorite bands. I have started listening to some of their older music and this son, Black Balloon, is one of my favorite

"Baby's black balloon makes her fly
I almost fell into that hole in your life
And you're not thinking about tomorrow
'Cause you were the same as me
But on your knees

A thousand other boys could never reach you
How could I have been the one
I saw the world spin beneath you
And scatter like ice from the spoon
That was your womb

Comin' down the world turned overAnd angels fall without you there
And I go on as you get colder
Or are you someone's prayer

You know the lies they always told you
And the love you never knew
What's the things they never showed you
That swallowed the light from the sun
Inside your room

Comin' down the world turned over
And angels fall without you there
And I'll go on to bring you home
All because I'm
All because I'm
And I'll become
What you became to me"

Truths of the Day:
  • The Neanderthal's brain was bigger than yours is
  • It took Leo Tolstoy six years to write "War & Peace"
  • There are 10 human body parts that are only 3 letters long (eye hip arm leg ear toe jaw rib lip gum)


Pirating for Canvas Bags

Oh Wednesday, you were so short and busy. I felt very stressed today so these helped me untress, so enjoy.

The first two videos are just amazing.
I am also insanly excited about the new Pirates movie!

Truths of the Day:
  • The average person spends two weeks of their life waiting at traffic lights
  • The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottles represents the number of varieties of pickles the company once had
  • The first known contraceptive was crocodile dung, used by Egyptians in 2000 B.C.


Sluggish Slow Life

     Oh Summer, you go by way to fast. You have only been around for one week and yet I feel I have accomplished nothing. This seems to be a problem. I am excellent at making to-do lists but I fail when it comes to carrying out the tasks. Although one task that has been followed through with is exercise and eating healthy. I have been walking with Vanka latley which is awesome. It feels good to know that I am doing something great for myself.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
Think about this verse for a while. It really speaks to me and it was in my devotion for today so I thought I would share it with you.

FYI, I need these Coach Shoes ASAP:

Truths of the Day:

  • In a pack of Skittles candy, there is an equal 20% distribution of each flavor
  • A porpoise swims slowly in a circle as it sleeps
  • There is no tipping in Iceland

Drink Coffee all day tomorrow


Always Never Changing

Happy almost Thursday.

I apologize that last week I did not blog very much but it was exam week, which obviously meant I had tons of free time and that time was spent in the least productive way possible, and since blogging is a must and important part of my day then you understand why I could not blog but once.

Change. People are afraid of Change. It baffles me at some of my friends because some of them are afraid to deviate from their everyday life schedule. They always eat the exact same thing everyday and eat the exact same thing when we go out to eat. I am not hating on them, but It made me start to realize that they are afraid of bigger changes. I do not understand this, I was always taught that change was a good thing. So it is my mission to make them accept change. It also very frustrating to be around these people because we never do anything different, which gets very old.

Truths of the Day:
  • The numbers '172' can be found on the back of the U.S. $5 dollar bill in the bushes at the base of the Lincoln Memorial.
  • President Kennedy was the fastest random speaker in the world with upwards of 350 words per minute.
  • Odontophobia is the fear of teeth.