

Once Again

So for awhile some people have been telling me that they wanted to see more pictures of the food fear factor program from about 1 month ago.

Lucky day for them because I finally connected my phone to the computer so I was able to download all my photos.

So excited to start eating nasty food. 

Start of a large audience


So excited to start!

Nasty Nasty Food

Even Larger

1st and 2nd place winners

1st place!!


Time Time Time Time Time.......

via: This

Wish me luck, and I guess I’ll wish you luck.

Basically I am just pushing through so I can start with summer.

End of the Year

This past week we had our end the year  semester RA Social.

It is always so much fun but sad at the same time. I am going to miss everyone who is graduating. It’s hard to see your friends leave, especially since I am so bad with staying in touch with people. I am guilty of “out of sight out of mind” however I am really trying to work on that.


Everything Will Be Okay

Tuesday came and went,  it won’t be missed. 

Make it all better HERE

Bring it on Wednesday 


That Face

Today I was riding the elevator and some rando girl was telling me a story that I was having lots of trouble following, however I am a nice person so I tried to act interested. Well the girl then has the nerve to call me out and say that I wasn’t really listening. Probably because I actually wasn’t listening, but mainly because she was talking about 20 different things and about a million different stories.

My friend who was with me told me that I always make that face when I am “listening.” Honestly I wasn’t aware that I had a fake listening face. But I can blame it on my mom. She apparently makes her fake smile face and one time my friend Amanda and her mom pointed it out.

Okay well I see this as a defense mechanism that the women in my family apparently have. Sometimes people just talk and talk and talk, and of course it would be crazy to always listen to them.

Photo Cred: the always awesome Alex White!

Side note: I’m pretty sure summer vaca is taking its time, I am ready now and today was the slowest Monday of my life.


Tough Luck

Ever have those days where everything you do seems wrong/can’t please anybody/want to scream/throw something through a window type of days?

That was not how my day started, but it sure ended this way. It started pretty amazing actually, had a great devotion and got a lot of homework finished/started. But by 8pm something went horribly wrong.

How do I get through these evenings/days. Lots and Lots of prayer and some good tunes.

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world”John 16:33.

Obviously Billy Joel can get me through a tough day, but Needtobreathe joined Billy this evening when it came to this night.



Straight Pictionary

Pictionary confirmed the fact that in can neither draw or cut a straight line.

Why am I just now discovering this band- Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros.

Sorry my posts have been less frequent than usual. I have been crazy busy with end of semester thingies.


Weekend Love

This weekend has been such a blur. 

Saturday totally felt like a Monday. 

Sunday feels like Thursday.

Not sure if these are good or bad things, what I really think it means is that the rest of this semester is going to run together. My mind is ready for a summer break. 

Yesterday I had my first experience giving actual tours of a residence hall. I wasn’t too sure how it would go because before when prospective students and their parents come, the parent seem to ask ridiculous questions or have the horrible attitude. Needless to say I was expecting the worst, but it went fairly well. I only had a few parents ask me some questions that I wasn’t too sure how to answer, because as much I want to be sarcastic, I have to act professional and pretend like it is a totally normal question. 

Few examples:
  1. Do we have to bring our own mattress? (This dad didn’t believe me when I told him ‘no’ so he asked three other RA’s an then proceeded to the housing office to ask them)
  2. Is cable an extra cost? (This question is not at all strange but when I told them mom that it was included in the housing cost and that it wasn’t an extra charge her response was “well at NC state and other schools we have visited it cost extra for cable” I told her that at UNCP we don’t do that and she still didn’t not understand)
  3. How do we activate the security systems in each room? (apparently this parent thought that each room had it’s own security system)
  4. How is a toaster an appliance with open coils? (I told them that they could have any appliance as long as it doesn’t have open coils. A dad asked me about a toaster and I said “no” He tried to tell me that I didn’t know what I was talking about because a toaster didn’t have open coils)

Overall it was interesting.

The rest of this day will be spent studying and cramming for tests and papers. Wish me luck.


Thoughts for Thursday

It has been a little while since I last blogged. Some of you have shown a tad bit of concern, not so much for me but for the fact that I haven’t shared any part of my awkward experiences with you lately. Well here is one for you.

While sitting in organizational communication on Thursday I was trying so hard to pay attention and I was failing greatly so I starting thinking about everything that had nothing to do with the current class.

Rando things running through my mind

  1. If that spider falls of the ceiling onto my desk I am going to SCREAM in class and embarrass myself
  2. I need to go to the store and buy a new shampoo, the current kind I am using was good for a month, time for a change
  3. I am missing summer really bad
  4. This girl in front of me has really cute earrings, I have never talked to her, wonder if she would think that I am a creeper for asking her where she got them
  5. I can’t wait for April 20th
  6. I need to cut our letters for the Zumba advertisement, but lets face it, I will probably keep putting it off
  7. I need to eat more than just coffee for breakfasts because it’s 1:30pm and I am STARVING, which means the cafe better have good food for lunch
  8. Just remembered that I don’t get lunch today because I have to walk around with exterminators
  9. I am starting to learn nothing from this teacher, he is so scatter brained that I can’t even follow him
  10. I need to clean the bathroom this weekend, I should force my suite mates to help, but on of them cleaned it all by herself last weekend so.... I should do it on my own I guess

Those are just a few things that were going through my mind instead of what I was supposed to be thinking about. 

Bright side: it’s the weekend

Down side: more homework than my brain could possibly handle


When We Finally Learn

Made it home! (I figured you were in suspense wondering if I made it home or not) and yes I saw plenty of blank/boring/green fields on my way home.

Anyway.... I was stalking the Thought Catalog because it’s been awhile since I read any of the new posts and I saw this one earlier today: 10 Lies Disney Told Me.  

I am pretty sure that most of you have read some place about lies/fake truths that Disney has taught them. But this one is different, it is really interesting and some of the “lies” are things that I haven’t heard of before.

These are the 10, but you should click on the link and read the hilarious explanations.

  1. If you are pretty enough, you can communicate with animals
  2. Incredibly rich, hot, popular guys are husband material
  3. Pocahontas was a romantic tale between two consenting, sexy adults
  4. Ugly girls look like Anne Hathaway
  5. Disobeying your parents can only yield fabulous results
  6. Captain Jack Sparrow will never get old
  7. Computer-Animated Films are going to be the greatest thing ever
  8. Life was pretty sweet for women at all moments in history 
  9. No one had a brighter future than Lindsay Lohan
  10. Everything-ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING- has a happy ending

Read the explanations, they are soooooooooo funny. 


One Step Closer

All I have to look at for two of the hours that I will be driving home. Makes for a pretty boring drive

Going home tomorrow afternoon for Easter.

I am very excited to go home and see my family and hang out with my friends who I feel like I never get to see anymore, even though I was home just 3 weeks ago for spring break. 

Easter break also means I am one step closer to summer vaca. and everything else exciting. 


Oh Weekend...Come Back to Me?

via: thx thx thx

I hope you had a marvelous weekend.

This week should be short since I will be going home Thursday afternoon for Easter weekend. (should be will probably become translated into the longest week of my life) Even though I was just home about three weeks ago it feels like it has been forever so I am pretty stoked about heading back to Clemmons even if it is just for a few days. But that also means I am one step closer to summer and it’s exciting events!

I try to start each week off with a list of goals that I need/want/try/dream to achieve for the week and this week it is very short, mainly because I living like this is just a 2 day week. (once again I am setting myself up for failure)

  1. finish research papers
  2. work out
  3. pack (this will most likely not happen until Thursday morning around 1 am which will lead to me freaking out because I have to get up super early for class Thursday morning)
  4. get all work done so I can enjoy my three precious days away from the stresses of school