

Exam Weekends

Happy Sunday!

While working on homework ALL DAY I came to the conclusion that I am more ready than ever to graduate and be done with school for awhile.

I totally forgot to mention to everyone that my RA end of year social was this past Thursday and it was so much fun.

Fews pics:

Have a fantastic exam week


8 Days Late

Hope you all had amazing Thanksgivings.
(I am so very aware that this post is like over a week late but I have had one of those weeks where you only get 
5 hours of sleep.)

Mine was filled with yummy food, family time, Christmas tree decorating, and of course hanging with my friends.

Went black Friday-ish shopping with my friend Vanka. I say "ish" because we actually went at 8pm on Thanksgiving but still the same right?

I totally forgot to take Thanksgiving day pictures but I did manage to steal some Christmas tree decoration pictures from my mom.

My mom looks a little unsure of this picture.

Trying to fix the topper, it took FOREVER to get it straight. 

Not sure

Even more unsure

We had tons of fun and will have even more fun after Christmas when we have to take it all down.

Enjoy your weekend. I know I won't. Mine will be filled with presentation preparations, papers, and everything else that sounds mind-numbly painful.


No Turkey

I truly love the Thanksgiving holiday. The poor thing gets ignored because everyone is in the Christmas spirit the second the clock turn 12:01am on Nov. 1st. I love cooking and baking, Thanksgiving is the perfect time for all of that. Although last year I tried this new recipe, it was a brownie cookie thing that was no good at all. In my house we don't have turkey we opt. for yummy ham. I am a huge fan of baked ham!


1. It is perfectly acceptable to eat 4,000 calories in one day in one sitting. And the best part is you don't get sick.

2. Leftovers for days

3. BLACK FRIDAY. My friends and I have had this tradition for a long time now where we go out on black Friday at a ridiculously early time. We complain about it each year but still on Friday we are out and about. Pretty sure we never really buy anything because we are an impatient bunch of ladies.

4. Friday Nov. 23rd the Christmas music goes on the ipod and speakers start blasting the joyous music

5. Christmas trees for sale everywhere

6. 2 more weeks left in the semester

7. Family. I truly believe that I have one of the most amazing families on this Earth. And on Thursday we spend the entire day together. My brother tends to stick around for this day also, well until the night time that is. Last we all went black Friday shopping together from 12am-4am.

8. We have this tradition in my family (when I say tradition I mean we do it like every other year if we remember) where we write what we are thankful for each year on a napkin. I love going back and reading what I have written in past years.

9. The house will smell like scrumptious food for days

Have a marvelous tomorrow


21 Truths

21 truths from the girl who refuses get older

1. I am semi obsessed with giraffes ( when I say semi I meant completely and totally)

2. I judge people who have bad breath. Most times I really have to stop myself from throwing a mint into their mouth while they talk

3. Can not stand watching the news (don't worry I do read the paper on a twice a month basis)

4. Love awkward/tense situations. You never know what someone is going to say

5. Love, Love, Love to hear gossip as long as it's not about me, but I hate drama....

6. Billy Joel is my absolute fav.

7. Red is my absolute least fav. color. Mainly because I can't wear it.

8. Probably puts perfume on about three times before I leave in the morning. I always forget that I just put it on so I re-apply. Pretty sure it annoys my suite mates

9. Finally taught myself to enjoy black coffee. There is just something about that yummy bitter taste in the morning

10. Currently obsessed with grape fruit. Bought five of them yesterday. Two remain and the evening is still young

11. Thought my friends and I were the coolest things in high-school when we would drink. Let's face it, we were pretty bad-a**

12. Plan on doing my morning devotion everyday, in reality it only happens 4-5 days a week.

13. I don't tend to not listen when someone responds to a question I ask them which results in me having to ask them again. They get annoyed with me, I lose a friend.

14. Awkward silence scares me. I HATE HATE HATE it.

15. Can't sit through an entire movie without doing something else like playing a game on my phone. When I'm at the theater, halfway through the movie I start to think "When in the world is this 123423 hour movie going to end" (funny thing is that I love going to see movies I've never seen before)

16. I don't have the world's best memory, without my planner I would probably curl up in a corner and cry

17. I have this amazing talent at creating awkward situations on accident

18. Constantly burst out into rando song. Most of the time they aren't even real songs, just ones that my mind has made up

19. In the process of perfecting my dinosaur calls. Because once they come back and take over the Earth, I have to survive somehow.

20. Pretty sure I have an unhealthy obsession with the following movies: All Mummy Movies, All Jurassic Park, The Zorro Movies, and Matilda.

21. I truly believe that I will never be older than 21, because lets face it, why would I ever need to be any older?

Because a tutu is the only acceptable piece of clothing for an elephant to wear


With a Touch of Glitter

Well it finally happened. FRIDAY graced us with its presence.

Usually I would be more excited about such a day but I have loads of homework to do this weekend, combine that with the fact that I'm on duty, and you get a pretty cranky Elizabeth. (Well as cranky as I can get. Usually I'm pretty happy)

Weekend plans?

Mine will consist of group projects and papers. But I do get to go see "Little Shop of Horrors" again on Saturday, so I'm pretty stoked about that.

This entire past week really seems like a blur. The fact that I was just home last weekend seems like it was in reality light years ago.

Main accomplishment this week: Finally get my schedule for next semester hammered out. I assumed three weeks ago that I was once and for all finished with the whole signing up for classes party. But I had a Monday night class and like most normal people, the idea of sitting through a three hour class give me 1,000 migraines. So I had been looking forever for a different class to replace it. Finally a class became available and you better believe I jumped right into it. So for all of you who are probably waiting in suspense to find out, I got out of that horrible three hour bore and into an online class.
                                Online classes are the best because you can do them in PJ's, bed, drinking coffee, watching TV, or listening to music insanely loud so to drown out all other sounds. 

The only other productive part of my week was cleaning out my arts and crafts drawers. I always just throw things in them but never take them out. So in my attempt to delay studying for a test, I dug through those drawers at 2am. Sadly there was nothing amazing in them except for the 11 containers of glitter that I found. Excitement? You better believe it. Glitter goes with everything, the more the better.

Jealous of my fun filled week? Should be, obviously I got a lot accomplished.

Check this out. So many memories. CLICK ME NOW!

Lastly: Found out today that Chick-Fil-A now has their Peppermint Chocolate Chip shakes back! My year has been made.


If you need a distraction


I hope you all had a fantastic week.

I was actually able to come home for the weekend. It was a very last minute trip, mainly because I totally forgot that Saturday was the last day to early vote. Also lets be real I will not be coming all the way to Clemmons on Tuesday. Because when I come home I like to make it worth my trip, I don't drive three hours just for fun.

This past week was very very hectic and busy. No real free time but I guess that's how senior year is supposed to be. But I must say I am getting very annoyed with the fact that I can't chill all day with my friends and do absolutely nothing. Maybe in 70 years I can try that again.

Although I did manage to find plenty to distract me for being productive.

1. The Oatmeal

2. These owls

3. This Pic

4. Quotes, Quotes, Quotes, and....... Quotes 

5. Go Figure

6. UMMMMM... wow.

7. Not a humongous cat fan but this is pretty awesomely strange


Have great rest of the weekend.


Few Obessions

What I've been obsessed with this week....

1. The fact that IMDB has just challenged me to watch all of these TV series.

2. Fall Fashion
3. That these people are so incredibly creative
4. That this place actually exist
5. The fact that this cat is so adorable
6. People live here


Birthday Birthday Birthday

Happy Birthday

Today is my mom's birthday and while I am sad I can't be at home to celebrate I know she will have an amazing day.

I have always been insanely close to my mom, I can tell her anything and she totally understands where I am coming from. And that's saying something because half the time I have no idea where I am going with some of the stories I tell.

  1. She is literally has one of the strongest faiths I know
  2. The only person I truly like to clothes shop with. (she has no problem telling me when something looks hideous on me)
  3. Cooks my fav. foods and the reason I love to cook/bake
  4. Voice of reason in our family. Especially when my dad, brother, and I go crazy
  5. She trust me on the fact that I needed to stay in school 6 years to truly find myself
  6. Even when times are tough (like when her mom, my grandma, died) she is still strong and there for me
  7. ORGANIZATION. She is the reason I am so organized. She keeps a weekly calendar with every little detail written down on it. Thankfully that "organization bug" has infected me because without it I would be totally lost 
  8. Taught me the importance of keeping all paper work. I recently gave a friend of my an old hand mixer that we had at the house. It was about 20 years old? and my mom still had the paper work on it. (probably part of her crazy mad organization skills but still...)
  9. She raised an amazing daughter, whom we all can agree is probably the best ever
  10. Loves me unconditionally. I have done so pretty insane things in my time and I am just not sure how she has put up with it but no matter what she still loves me 
  11. Always excited to see me when I come home from school. It makes me feel like I've been gone for years
  12. Has taught me so many things that I would be lost without knowing. Like how to sow a button back on, clean, cook, and properly paint walls. (You would think these would come naturally to people but the more people I meet they don't know how to do half of these things. And that blows my mind)

What all this comes down to is that I have the most amazing mom. Trust me, I know what I'm saying, I've met a lot of moms.


Where have you been?


I know it's been a million years since you've heard from me, and since I know you have all been crazy worried, I thought I'd check in with you.

Life has been going pretty well its just been filled with 2am bed times and 7 am wake up calls. Between classes and an internship I feel like free time is a thing of the past. Any spare time I can find gets used as catch-up-on-work time. But I really have missed blogging.

A few interesting thingies that I have come across since Sep. 2nd.

Also I've currently been obsessed with Mumford and Sons new album. You know that type of obsession where you listen to the entire album on repeat constantly? Well that's what I've got.

Came across this adorable letter from Brave Girls Club

Check out the world's deepest pool!

This guy turned an abandoned club into a house. It's so eclectic and fun. 

Everyone must visit these places at least once in their life

How Creative! This site is just filled with funs

My obsession with cooking new things has expanded. So here is what I want to try soon and when I say soon I mean like over the December month since that is the only time I gain oven/stove access:

I am going to try and update you all more often on what is going on in my insanely busy life.

 Promise. (I'm not that amazing at keeping promises so it might become more like bi-weekly post. I can't keep up with this daily posting stuff.)

Because who doesn't love a baby giraffe?


Relax and have fun

I hope you are all having a relaxing Labor Day weekend!

I know I am. Spending the weekend doing minimal amounts of work and hanging with friends. And maybe a little bit of cleaning, but I don't want to go overboard on the fun. I did however found a few fun bits of info I thought you might enjoy.

  1. This is such a nifty site. I listened forever last night while I was doing homework. NEVER ENDING MUSIC
  2. Just fun, and most are pretty true. BEST THINGS EVER!
  3. Now this is pretty interesting. I know a quite a few of you who will enjoy this little gem. DISNEY
  4. Lastly, this is a list of what I should do in my free time, but in all reality maybe 2.4 of these actually happen. WHAT WHAT!


Gloomy Days

Adorbs. umbrellas

Such a gloomy day makes me want to sit around all day and do absolutely nothing. However sometimes days like this are just what I need because you feel insanely relaxed for most of the day. Which is a rare type of day to find lately. 


Found a little something to help you make it through this gloomy day.

Gloomy Day Cures

Want to make this weekend:



Monday Blues


The day of the week I dread the most, not because it's the start of a week, it’s the day when everything gets piled on. Teachers give out more work than could possibly be done in a 7 day period, every meetings that is going on for the week is announced, and internship work gets piled on.

But luckily I started the day off right; devotion, played fav. songs loud (probably woke up suite mates, but who doesn't like getting up at 7:30), also had two cups of delicious coffee. Then went to Starbucks 3 hours later for more coffee. It seems to be the only thing that truly gets me through Monday's. 


Sticks and Movies

How was everyone's weekend? 

Mine was pretty dandy, and by dandy I mean filled with homework, layered between large movie breaks. Watched the mummies, well the only two that only count,  the third one doesn't actually count. Stress also played a large part in my weekend, between an online class that should be worth 12 credits alone and three other classes that take up more time than life itself, I am pretty sure I'll have a head full of grey hair by the time I graduate.

Good news from last week: I got an internship! Finally, it took long enough, but I am super excited to start this week. 

Found this to keep me distracted when needed: THIS ROCKS!


Work Work Work

How has everyone been lately?

I've been doing okay-ish just really busy with school and such. I feel as though I am taking three years worth of classes in one semester, because of all of this work. But the good news is that I finally got an internship for the semester so I'm pretty stoked about it. Trust, I will keep you up to date on all of the amazingness I do this last year of college. It is so hard to believe that I am going to be done soon and have to live in the actual real world, not the college real world.

A few days ago we (amazing RA's I work with) did a welcome wagon. We just pull a wagon around and give candy to all of our amazing residents.