

Only Happen Once

Lately I have been seeing a lot of YOLO(you only live once) hashtags and such on twitter and Facebook. I could really care less about the whole YOLO thing except that it gets on my nerves when people put every aspect of their life online and put #YOLO after it. I’m pretty sure we all know that you only live once, your not a cat with nine lives.

Also, I find it hard to believe that people live such exciting lives. Actually it makes me feel a little inferior to them because if I outlined every step in my day it would look something like this:

  1. "Alarm woke me up and I couldn’t remember what day it was”#YOLO
  2. “Face wash got in eyes and it stings/burns/annoys me to death, it’s the last thing you want to start you morning off” #YOLO
  3. “Finally done getting ready for a day of doing absolutely nothing” #YOLO
  4. “ Unload dishwasher” #YOLO
  5. “Work out (sometimes)” #YOLO
  6. “ Laundry” #YOLO
  7. “ Lunch by myself” #YOLO
  8. “ Nap? I think so, getting up at 7 am is hard work” #YOLO
  9. “ Clean bird”#YOLO
  10. “Nothing for the rest of the evening” #YOLO

Jealous of my day to day life?

It looks like I need to do some more exciting living. Or just attempt to live more than once and just do it better the second time around. 

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