

Few Obessions

What I've been obsessed with this week....

1. The fact that IMDB has just challenged me to watch all of these TV series.

2. Fall Fashion
3. That these people are so incredibly creative
4. That this place actually exist
5. The fact that this cat is so adorable
6. People live here


Birthday Birthday Birthday

Happy Birthday

Today is my mom's birthday and while I am sad I can't be at home to celebrate I know she will have an amazing day.

I have always been insanely close to my mom, I can tell her anything and she totally understands where I am coming from. And that's saying something because half the time I have no idea where I am going with some of the stories I tell.

  1. She is literally has one of the strongest faiths I know
  2. The only person I truly like to clothes shop with. (she has no problem telling me when something looks hideous on me)
  3. Cooks my fav. foods and the reason I love to cook/bake
  4. Voice of reason in our family. Especially when my dad, brother, and I go crazy
  5. She trust me on the fact that I needed to stay in school 6 years to truly find myself
  6. Even when times are tough (like when her mom, my grandma, died) she is still strong and there for me
  7. ORGANIZATION. She is the reason I am so organized. She keeps a weekly calendar with every little detail written down on it. Thankfully that "organization bug" has infected me because without it I would be totally lost 
  8. Taught me the importance of keeping all paper work. I recently gave a friend of my an old hand mixer that we had at the house. It was about 20 years old? and my mom still had the paper work on it. (probably part of her crazy mad organization skills but still...)
  9. She raised an amazing daughter, whom we all can agree is probably the best ever
  10. Loves me unconditionally. I have done so pretty insane things in my time and I am just not sure how she has put up with it but no matter what she still loves me 
  11. Always excited to see me when I come home from school. It makes me feel like I've been gone for years
  12. Has taught me so many things that I would be lost without knowing. Like how to sow a button back on, clean, cook, and properly paint walls. (You would think these would come naturally to people but the more people I meet they don't know how to do half of these things. And that blows my mind)

What all this comes down to is that I have the most amazing mom. Trust me, I know what I'm saying, I've met a lot of moms.


Where have you been?


I know it's been a million years since you've heard from me, and since I know you have all been crazy worried, I thought I'd check in with you.

Life has been going pretty well its just been filled with 2am bed times and 7 am wake up calls. Between classes and an internship I feel like free time is a thing of the past. Any spare time I can find gets used as catch-up-on-work time. But I really have missed blogging.

A few interesting thingies that I have come across since Sep. 2nd.

Also I've currently been obsessed with Mumford and Sons new album. You know that type of obsession where you listen to the entire album on repeat constantly? Well that's what I've got.

Came across this adorable letter from Brave Girls Club

Check out the world's deepest pool!

This guy turned an abandoned club into a house. It's so eclectic and fun. 

Everyone must visit these places at least once in their life

How Creative! This site is just filled with funs

My obsession with cooking new things has expanded. So here is what I want to try soon and when I say soon I mean like over the December month since that is the only time I gain oven/stove access:

I am going to try and update you all more often on what is going on in my insanely busy life.

 Promise. (I'm not that amazing at keeping promises so it might become more like bi-weekly post. I can't keep up with this daily posting stuff.)

Because who doesn't love a baby giraffe?