

About Time

Well it’s been over two weeks.

Sorry for leaving you all for such a long time. 

If it makes you feel any better a lot has been going on in my life since I last blogged. 

  1. Semester finally ended
  2. Started doing work with girl scouts again
  3. Almost unpacked all of my college stuff, by almost I mean sort of maybe started
  4. Since coming home my body has refused to let me sleep in, 7 am is starting to get old
  5. Spent an awesome mother’s day with my amazing mom
  6. Making summer plans that I should definitely  maybe follow through with
  7. Finally saw Avengers. loved it

Yep that’s pretty much all I have been up to. 

Really there is no excuse for not blogging lately, all I can say is that I have been distracted by everything else going on in my life. 

Although I have been practicing making these:


 My versionish 

Oh and I may be a week behind but last week was national Etiquette Week. Obviously I will had major trouble celebrating/following this week due to the fact that I lack etiquette skills. But my friend Vanka Vance will probably enjoy knowing about this week. 

1 comment:

  1. E-MONEY!! Miss you playa! I feel you on the almost unpacked/haven't even started thing. I still have a living room of stuff to unpack in Village. LOL! Wish u were here! Have a great summer!
